I am sorry

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"Babe, I told you to rest na, you still insisted on visiting the location ”

I removed Shreya’ hand from mine with a sigh. Fainting isn't big deal. And now I am fine, she doesn't need to make an issue out of it.
I am offended she is here with me in my hotel room instead of field. I mean she needs to be there, I won't die if I am alone.

"I am fine, okay?? ”
" But doctor said opposite, you are currently weak ” That concerned frown is never leaving her brows.
But, she is a naive, I can side her in a snap. I know she wishes for my greater good but right now I want to be alone and I would be hella irritated in anyone's company.

She is my friend, I don't want to lose control over my mind and say something that I might regret later.

"Shreya” I paused with a sigh " Listen I am fine, doctors usually say ' you are weak' to every patient. "

"I am still not convinced!! ” her eyes narrowed and clutched my fist on the sheets. Calm down!! Don't shout, don't shout please.

" Can you please leave me alone for some time? ”

I tried not to sound pissed. But it wasn't polite either. However any person breathing around me would annoy me right now. It's not her fault.

"I can't because he won't like it!! ”

My eyes thinned at the mention of he.
Who she is referring to? Who won't like if she gives me some privacy.

"Sorry?? "
" Who ? ”
"Mr. Shiv !!! ”
I ignored the way she minimalized his name. I don't want her to call him that.
But right now I am more focused on what does she mean.

" He told me to stick to you, no matter what.. " She elaborated, increasing my anxiety and confusion simultaneously.

"What does that supposed to mean?? ”

Her lips parted to say something but before she could , a knock interrupted.

" Room service!! ”

"Come in!! ” Shreya replied before me. And the door opened revealing a female hotel staff with food.

I don't remember requesting food. I spare a glance at my friend.

" You didn't have to do that, I am not hungry. ”

She didn't reply until the staff girl left.

"Sara!! ” she sighed and touched my hand again " You might not be hungry but your body needs energy, even doctor said that, and it's important to eat before consuming medicines and besides.... ” she paused and pursed her lips in a thin line.

"What ? ”
" It's not me who ordered this!! ”
A hard lump formed in my throat, my anxiety elevating with every second. This shouldn't mean what I am thinking.

He didn't order food for me, please.

"Sir ordered this, when you were unconscious!! ”
I sighed.
That's worse.
Why this guy can't mind his own business? Why he has to make it more complicated than it already is? I don't appreciate his actions at all.

" Trust me Sara ” she squeezed my hand in hers "He was anxious when you black out, I saw that. He even cancelled the visit!! ”

A tight knot formed in my stomach, please, for God's sake, I don't want to hear that.

"I want to be alone for sometime!! " I pulled my hand back from her hold.

"Baby..... ”

" Don't baby me Shreya.. ” I almost shouted and instantly regretted it after seeing her flinching.

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