i promise

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My body stiffened and eyes widened in shock as his hands grasped my shoulder and he pressed his lips on mine.

Shut the fuck up. I am taking this as yes!!

His words played in mind in loop. I felt the firmness of his lips against mine but I didn't respond.
I don't want to resist but I don't know how to respond either. I am not ashamed to admit that it's my first kiss. There is first time for everything and 25 years old is not too late to have first kiss.
At least not for me.

My lips parted when he pulled himself back and stared at my eyes " Why aren't you kissing me back? "
I bit my lower lip , my face was already flushed. I remained silent and his eyes dropped to my lips before he grazed the curve of my lip with his thumb " I know you want to "
He pressed his lips on the corner of my lips " Just move your lip slowly "
He said before kissing me slowly.
I closed my eyes and my hands rested on his chest when he pulled me by my waist.

I always wondered why do people kiss and what is so fascinating about it but I got my answer when I experienced it for the first time.
How does it feel to kiss someone on lips?
It feels nice.
It feels soft and heavenly. I regret not having my first kiss before.
But could I have felt so nice if it wasn't him?
Or everyone feels same to kiss?
Does everyone kiss differently?
I want to know.
I was never more curious.
I felt tingling sensation when he moved his lips from my lips to my chin, my jawline "I am happy to know I am your first kiss and I will make sure you are my last!! " he mumbled against my neck before kissing there. I arched my neck to opposite side feeling ticklish.

" Don't be so sure about what you say! "

His fingers digged in my waist and he pulled back "Don't doubt my words!! "

He paused to peck my lips before adding " There's no going back from this point Sara, you are my girlfriend and I am only yours, for me you are the only beautiful girl in this world and I will prove it to you in every possible way. "

" I know I am beautiful, more than your friend!! "

" You admit you are jealous?? "

"Yes I am, and fine" I paused to let out a sigh
"I am your girlfriend but I expect my boyfriend not to think about any other women"

" You are the only woman who occupies my mind" He pressed a long kiss on my nose before adding " I promise!! "

"Trust me, if it's not you, I will be stay single forever"

The moment felt surreal. I can't imagine him staying single forever if I refuse to be with him.
" You can't be serious!! "
"You think so?? "
" My gut feeling!! " I held my chin high to meet his eyes.
"Fuck your gut feeling, I am damn serious about you!! "
" Serious about the girl you just met recently?? It's not even two months!! "

"I don't care, I already know you are the one for me, you are mine to love, mine to cherish, mine to worship. "
He grasped my hands and twinned our fingers.

" What if I don't trust your words?"

"Then I will make you trust me! I'll earn your trust!! " He gave light squeeze to my hands and kissed the back of it before meeting my eyes again.

" I am ready for whatever it cost me!! "

" On the scale of one to ten how badly I need to provoke your ego to hit me? " I know asking him this question was worst idea but I finally touched topic and it's too late to back out. And honestly, I don't want to be the second version of my mom.
Love hurts.
Love destroys.
Love makes you pathetic.
And you are done.

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