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"We are not even friends!! " He laughed at my words and gently patted my shoulder.

"Okay, I think you need to relax!!! "

"I am relaxed!! " I said with a straight face and his expressions remained cool .
"Good, now come with me!! "

He guided me to walk with him towards the bar. He was still holding my hand. I didn't resist him. I shouldn't let him hold my hand. I supposed to hate him. I am supposed to slap him for touching me everytime but I am just being so stupid in front of him.

"One tequila please!! " He asked the bartender as soon as we reached there.
I took a seat on nearby stool.

He left my hand before looking at me "what would you like to take? "

"I don't drink!! "

"Sorry? " He narrowed his eyes in confusion so I repeated.

"I said I don't drink."

I don't think that drinking is bad thing but I don't drink and there is no specific reason for this. I never tried it.

"Are you kidding me?? "

I stared at him as he continued to laugh. Why are you acting like you never saw someone who don't drink.

He controlled his grin and added

"I mean you do smoke but you don't drink? "
I thinned my eyes "when did you saw me smoking!! "
It's true I do smoke some times but only when I am sad. It's not that obvious for everyone to know.

"In office, I saw you!! " He said pushing a shot on the bar in front of me.
"Come on, I won't judge you!! " He said nodding towards the glass and I rolled my eyes.

Whole world will judge me and I would sit there like nothing happened. Why should I bother to think what would they think about me. So he can judge me.

"You think I care even if you do?? "

"No, but you should care!! " 

This guy needs to be more logical. What does he mean by I should care?

" Why? "

" Because I think!! Now come on, you can drink in front of me, I won't tell anyone " He winked at last sentence.

"Smoking is a different thing and drinking is different, besides I am not a regular smoker. It's just sometimes I......... " I immediately stopped after realizing that why should explain anything to him.

I don't care what he thinks. He is no one I am supposed to explain.

"Mr. Shivansh I beg you to learn how to mind your own business!! "

He gulped a shot in one go and laughed before turning to face the bartender.
"One more please!! "

I internally rolled my eyes this time. I know I am being judgemental too. But let it be.
What can I expect from nepo brat like him.

"Why did you bring me here?? It's not even my type of event! " I commented and he stopped drinking.

He looked at me "I can't miss my best friend's party, neither I wanted you to leave so... " He shrugged his shoulders in surrender.
I opened my mouth to say something but I immediately stopped when a girl approached him with a chirpy voice "oh my god, Shiv!!! "
She was literally screaming his name. He turned to face her and she immediately hugged him.

He returned her hug with wrapping his left arm around her waist "Hey, what a surprise!! "

She laughed while stepping back.

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