baby girl

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My heartbeat slowed when he back-hugged me. I felt his breath on my skin as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Why did you call me here?? "
I tried my best to maintain my poker face but the way he was nuzzling in the curve of my neck, I had to bite my lips.
"My girlfriend, my wish!! ” he placed a soft and long kiss on my neck.

" What do you want, Sir?? ”
"First thing, I want you and secondly stop calling me Sir!! ”

I closed my eyes when I felt his lips tickling my skin. I gasped when his fingers brushed against my cheek as he sided my hair.

" You are my boss, what am I supposed to call you then? ”

His movements paused " Boss huh?? "

My breath hitched when his hands reached for my stomach and he started tickling me with his fingers.

"Haa.... Stop it.. ” I giggled and he laughed.

" Not until you agree on calling me by my name. ”

"Stop it please... "  I giggled as he continued with doing what he wanted.
"Mr. Shiv stop it!! ”
I totally gave up after some times.
" You can be less formal ”
" I can't!! ” I managed to speak and after sometimes he stopped.
I sighed and after catching my breath I turned to face him " You really need to grow up!! ” I placed my hand on my chest to calm my heart down.

"I am old enough!! ” he pecked my lips before rubbing his nose on mine " It's you who need to loosen up”

" No thanks, I am perfect the way I am ” I slightly pushed him but he again stepped ahead.

"So am I!! ”
He lifted me by my waist before settling me on the desk.
" You didn't tell me why you asked me to come here!! " I tried to change the subject .

"Do I need a reason to see the reason why I come office everyday? ”
So cringe.

" I am not the reason you come office !! ”
He stepped towards me and my heart raced " You are!! ”

I gasped at the slight touch of his hand against my knee .
"Trust me, this company is the last thing I would be ever interested in!! I have enough money to live without doing anything ”

" I wish you were less rich!! ” my lips curved in small smile and he frowned at me.
"Why?? "
That's true, a rich boyfriend was the last thing I would e ever wish for. Rich people always count love with money.

"I would have loved to see what you can do for me!! ”

" Anything ” he replied within a blink " I can do anything for you!! ” his knuckles grazed my cheek.

"Because it's not a big deal for you, you can easily do anything with the help of your dad's name and money. ” his lips dropped " If you can do anything so easily, it doesn't count as efforts. I wanted to see your effort ” I smiled softly and he stepped back.

"Sara ” his face turned soft " Do you want me to be poor?? Trust me I will work hard to be poor for you!! "

I burst out laughing at his words, his face turned red in embarrassment " Why are you laughing?"

I couldn't stop myself from laughing at him . I hit his chest with my fist " What do you think you are saying Mr. Shiv!! ” I laughed hard .



I stared at her face as she started laughing and when she hit my chest, I felt a storm inside my heart.
It's a rare sight to see her like this. I have never seen her true smile. She had smiled at me before too but it was always sarcastic.
And I still don't know what I did to make her laugh so hard.
My lips curved in a grin.
"You know what" She climbed off the table before pinching my cheeks with both of her hands " You are really cute!! ”

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