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"That was inappropriate, I rescheduled that meeting thrice. Still, he didn't show up!! ”

" It's fine " Shreya put her hand on mine and gave it a slight squeeze " He might be stuck with some problem”
" Shouldn't he inform about it!! ”
" Yeah but relax na, why are you raising your blood pressure, he lost the deal because of his mistake, he is CEO, it's his problem ”

I had enough of him. How irresponsible someone can be. It's 2 pm our CEO didn't show up yet. Wow!! I really doubt if he has any good interest in this company
I stood up from my seat and faced Shreya.

" It's the company's issue, means it's our issue. You know what he is a jerk "I spat in irritation.
" Sara....."
" Why are you trying to defend him, you are my friend right?"
"Sara he is....."
" He behaves like a kid, so unprofessional. He is so annoying. You know if I ever got a chance I will push him from the rooftop. He thinks he own the world. And I'm telling you Shreya all those girls on social who follows him thinking him as hot hunk, they need eye treatment. ” I was shouting my lungs out and I didn't realize it until I need a second to catch my breath.
" Sara.... "

" I am not done yet. He is an idiot, stupid, bastard , scoundrel and....... ”

" And???? ”

" And asshole br...... ” I clamped my hand on my mouth when I realize that 'and' wasn't from Shreya. It was a male voice from behind. And it wasn't rocket science to understand who was it.
It's him ,my boss.
I gulped hard.
" I would love to see you in my cabin, now ” I heard heavy footsteps and they faded after some time.
I breathed hard. And I just realized that I was shouting so loud that everyone in office was staring at me.
" Why didn't you tell me he was here? ” I whisper shouted at Shreya who was standing there with a sad face.
" I tried na, but you didn't let me speak!! ”
She whined and I rubbed my forehead in frustration. After calming myself down I made my way towards his office.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
" Come in!! ”
I walked in nervously. I am curious how much he heard and how long he was standing behind me.
"Welcome miss assistant”
He was sitting on his chair but his feets were resting on the desk. As I said, very unprofessional.
I stood up in front of his desk " Sir..... ”
" Sir???? ” he raised an eye brow and stared at my eyes .
I was confused when he started laughing. He put his feet down and walked to me.
" Sir?? Really?? ”
I stepped back as he came closer to me.
" That's not what you called me out there in front of everyone ” his laugh faded in silence and his face turned blank.

" I... I..,...... ” he took one more step closer and I stepped back " I what... ”
" I didn't m........... "
He stepped closer and I stepped back.
" I didn't mean it.... ”
" Mean what?? ”
He stepped closer and I again stepped back.
" Idiot?” he took one more step and I stepped back.
" Stupid.?.. ” one more step.
I stepped back.
" Bastard.. ?" One more step.
I stepped back.
" Asshole...? " One more step.
I stepped back and my back hit the door and he continue to step closer....
" And what was that word??? Scooo....... Scou..... What?? ”
"Sc.....sco  ....... Scoundrel... " Why the hell I am stuttering.

" Oh yeah, scoundrel.... " I flinched when he kept his hand on the door just beside me.
" What does it mean?? ” he asked looking at my eyes.
" It means.... " I breathed hard. I swear I never let a man come so much closer to me.
" Um huh??? "
" A man who has no... "
" No?? "
I gulped.
" No moral principles "
" And what can we call a woman who throw beverages at random people on road? ”
His hot breath fanned my face and I don't know why didn't I kick his balls yet.

" Sir..... ”
"It's scoundrel, right? " I looked deep in his eyes and his stare is burning up fire inside my stomach.
For first time I scanned his face.
His eyes, nose, face cut , jaw line and every thing is perfect and his lips are more soft and pink than mine. Am I drooling??
No way.
Sara never drool over anyone and she would never. He is man. And men are jerk.

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