i don't trust you

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" Would you stop looking at me?? " I said as we kept walking along with our whole team.
We were on a location hunt for the next shooting for advertising. And the whole time he is just walking beside me on every step, keeping both of his hands inside his pockets.
Everyone was looking at the surroundings but he was looking at me which didn't go unnoticed by other people.
He was making it so obvious, I don't know why though.

After our earlier conversation and his confession, he didn't nudge me to reply to him soon. He offered me time to think even though I didn't want to think about it.

"Will you stop looking at me "I repeated my question in case he didn't hear me earlier.
" No" he replied without missing a beat. I turned to look at him and our eyes locked in a way that almost hurt so bad. Pressure rose in my throat at the intimacy of his stare, my stomach twisted so hard.

"Stop it, everyone is watching that you are staring at me"
"Ask me if I care about them."

My eyes burned from the heat of his eyes. I immediately looked away. But I could sense his eyes on me.

"What did you decide about this location!! "

He looked perplexed about a sudden shift of subjects. Clearing his throat with a fake cough he managed to speak.

" It's finalized, we are shooting here today itself. The team will be here anytime soon"
I paused on my steps and turned to look at him with raised eyebrows. His steps halted. I was shocked to know this. I didn't know about this. He doesn't seem to joke about it.

"And why am I getting informed now?? "
If I sounded offensive, I don't care but as his secretary I should know about his decision, right?
That's how people cooperate.

"You were sick!! "
"So? " I scoffed " What does it have to do with not telling me about the day?? I was told that this is location hunting. "

His eyes thinned when my voice raised. I was so loud that everyone was looking at me.
He spared some glances at people looking at us and then again looked at me.

"Relax!! " he closed the gap until he was an inch away from me " I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure about this, I was going to cancel this if you didn't feel better than yesterday "

My eyes blinked.
That doesn't sound like an excuse.
What does he mean he was about to cancel this? If I didn't feel better, I could've stayed in my room and the shoot would have been still going on without any issues. It's a fact. He didn't have to cancel it if I wasn't here.
I was too speechless to express my annoyance. Why does he have to act like his every decision revolves around me?

I was about to say something when I heard a female voice " Shiv!! "
I immediately stepped back when a girl came and threw her arms around his neck.

That was so sudden I couldn't process anything.

"Thank you so much for choosing me!! " I heard her saying and he didn't protest the hug. I saw his hand on her back.

I immediately looked away and tried not to notice anything further.

When she stepped back I was able to see her face clearly. I have seen her before.
She is the same girl I met at the party. That supermodel friend of his.

What was her name??
I can't remember.....

"Don't thank me, Tanya, you deserve it!! "

Yes, Tanya, it was her name.

But wait, what does he mean by you deserve it? What does she deserve??

After exchanging some more words she finally left from there.

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