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"No!! " I smiled softly " My stomach doesn't hurt when I am around you!! " I removed her hands from my collar and her eyes lowered as she stepped back.
I chuckled before opening the door of the car and this time she didn't protest.

I made her sit properly and then carefully shifted her legs and dress so that it won't get stuck in door.

My hand reached for the seat belt and she whispered " Don't you like me?? " It sounded a bit sad.

"I didn't say that!! " I fastened the belt and she was so close and cherry on top, she was drunk.
Her not being sober was raising the tension. And when I finally looked in her eyes my heartbeat raised. My stomach twisted wildly.

Should I tell her that my stomach also hurts when she is close to me. I also feels those butterflies.

"You like me?? " She said innocently blinking her eyes and my breath hitched. I inhaled a deep breath and sighed.

I gently tucked a hair strand from her face to aside.
"Hmm!! " I simply nodded and forced myself to pull myself back from her. I carefully shut the door ensuring that she won't get hurt .

When I slipped in my seat I noticed she was still looking at me.

"What?? "

"I want water!! " She said plainly and I sighed.
"That's it?? "
I plucked out the bottle from the door and turned to her.

"Here” I handed her the water and waited for her to drink. She opened it with full attention nevertheless when she started drinking it but she accidentally dropped too much water on her clothes.

" Shit!! " I moved closer to her and snatched a bottle from her hand "dhyan kaha rehta hai tumhara!! "

I gently put one hand on her head and with other one I made her drink it, carefully this time.

"Careful!! " I guided and she didn't look at me. All of her focus was fixed on water.
And my eyes were fixed on her lips. The way they were positioned around the bottle was making her look more pretty and the way her throat flexed when she was gulping it down was...............

Stop staring at her.
Enough, no more descriptions.
Just stop. Staring. At. Her.

When I felt like she had enough water I lowered my hand to take that bottle down.
I was putting the cap on bottle and suddenly my heart started throbbing in my chest when she leaned her face on my arm to wipe her wet mouth on my shirt.
She rubbed her mouth on my sleeves, I was frozen from her act. And when she leaned back in her seat , a small smile crept on my lips.

I was unknowingly staring at her eyes, her cheeks which were red due to effect of alcohol, and the lush curve of her lower lip. Her nude shade lipstick was now smudged, probably because she wiped her lips.

And suddenly something hit me, my eyes went to the sleeve of my shirt only to notice the colour of her lipstick there.

My white shirt, damn it.
And I can't understand why am I not mad at her for this. If it was someone else, I would have never forgiven the person who ruined my clothes. But since it's her. I can't say a word to her. She can do what she wants.

In fact I was smiling like an idiot after looking at that lipstick stain.
A soft chuckled left from my lips.

I extended my hand towards her face and wiped her smudged lipstick with my thumb, only to make it look better. After keeping the bottle aside I grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket to clean her lips.

"You know what, please don't drink again, it doesn't suit you to act this clumsy. " I said with a soft laugh and she has her eyes fixed on mine.

When I was satisfied with neatness of her face I kept my handky back in my pocket.

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