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Training was good and competitive as always. We have a game against West ham in a few days so it was good to get some last minute preparation in

"I want to see you raring to go on Sunday afternoon, meet is at 12 with kick off at 1:30. I expect you to rest and recover tomorrow so no one gets injured. Yes Sam i'm looking at you" Hayes said

Everyone turned to Kerr, with a few laughs coming from the other girls whilst Kerr's cheeks went red from embarrassment

"That's it for today, see you all in a few days" Emma said

We all walked together back towards the changing rooms before I heard someone say my name


"Yes?" I asked scanning around for the voice that called me

"Meet me in my office in 15 minutes" Emma Hayes said with no expression on her face

"Okay Emma" I replied

Shit. I'm praying this isn't about Leah. I hope Sam and Millie didn't say anything

As we got into the changing rooms, Millie nudged my elbow

"We're all going out for a few drinks tonight if you want to come" She said

"Yeah sure that sounds good, see you then" I said

"I'll text you the details" she replied as I nodded my head

I picked up my stuff after taking off my boots and back into my trainers before heading over to Emma Hayes' office

My heart was pounding, I have no clue what or how this discussion is going to go

I knocked on the door, hearing a stern "come in"

"Hi Emma, Am I in trouble?" I asked with anxiety filling my stomach

"Alex don't be stupid, of course you're not. You have no reason to be in trouble, do you?" she asked curiously

I took a big sigh of relief

Thank god for that

"No of course not" I said confidently. "Is everything okay?" I asked

"Good. I wanted to talk to you about extending your contract" she said

"Really? That's amazing, thank you so much" I replied

"You don't have to give me an answer now because after your performance last week, I'm sure lots of teams will be interested in your young and raw talent" she explained "that performance was good enough for any team around the world to be interested in you"

"Wow, thank you very much Emma" I said slightly blushing

"I've notified your agent about our input and willingness to extend the contract, she should be in touch shortly if you have any other offers" she said

"Thanks Emma, I'm glad you believe in me" I said, still blushing. "Was there anything else you needed to talk to me about?"

"No no, that's all. I'll see you on Sunday Alex" she said

"See you then" I replied before opening the door and exiting the office

Oh my god, did that really just happen.

I couldn't believe that Chelsea wanted to renew my contract, I was in disbelief

I picked my phone from out of my pocket to see a message from my agent

"Hi Alex it's your agent, Sophie, although you probably already knew that. I wanted to have a discussion with you about your placement next season and notify you of your options"

There is no way. That must mean more than one club has taken interest in me

I started to type, thinking about what I was going to say

"Hi Sophie, I've just finished training so I can meet you later on today if you're around?"

She replied instantly

"I'm free from now until this evening. I'll meet you at the cafe in 30 minutes"

"Perfect, see you then" I replied before shutting my phone off

My smile grew more and more as I walked towards my car knowing this is a massive step in my career

I stopped myself in my path, what if Arsenal have made an offer. I cant leave Chelsea to go there, everyone would hate me

But at least I'd have her. I'd get to see her everyday, her face, her bright blue eyes and that beautiful smile of hers

Maybe Arsenal taking interest wouldn't be such a bad idea after all

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