drinks and disagreements

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the blasting music coming from the pub echoed as we got out of the uber

i opened leahs door to take her hand in mine, waiting for beth and viv before walking into the pub

as the doors opened, lots of familial faces were revealed

we immediately greeted our girls before scanning around the area for others

my eyes immediately locked with rachel who seemed to be already drunk

"i'll be back in a second baby" i said, facing leah and kissing her cheek

as i got closer to rachel, she noticed me and screamed

"alex" she yelled "my best friend in the whole entire world"

she grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug, almost suffocating me

"someone's on the piss already" i joked

"and someone's very sober" she replied, turning her head over towards the bar

"she'll have a double vodka and cranberry please" she said to the bartender

"and after all these years, you still remember my order" i giggled

the bartender placed my drink on the counter and rachel shoved the glass into my hands

"sooo..." rachel began "is leah here?"

i was riddled with anxiety by her question

i nodded my head slightly as her face lit up

"where is she?" she asked

i pointed over towards the group of girls that leah was with

before i knew it, rachel had wiggled her way through groups of people to reach leah

i ran after her and grabbed her hand before she could introduce herself

"rach, be nice" i insisted

she nodded her head at my request

"wait here" i said, holding my hand up to her

i wrapped my hand around leahs waist and clinged onto my drink with the other

"hey baby" she smiled

"i've got someone who wants to meet you" i hesitated, my voice filled with nerves

i placed my hand in hers and walked over to drunk rachel

"le this is rachel. rachel this is leah" i explained

"leah it's so good to finally meet you" rachel said, holding her hand out for a handshake

"so this is the famous rachel" she replied, denying the handshake and pulling her in for a hug instead

"i'll leave you two to it then, yeah?" i suggested

they both nodded

"just don't embarrass me, either of you" i begged

they both laughed at my words as i walked off

i plonked myself down at the bar, ordering another drink in the meantime

"slow down there mate, you'll be off your nut if you carry on" a familiar irish accent said

katie sat down on the stool next to me and ordered another drink

"i know my limit" i said confidently

"wanna bet?" she asked, smirking

"bet what?" i asked curiously

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