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this morning was the same as every morning: get up, shower, get changed and go to the training ground

we arrived just on time and headed towards the building

"le, al wait up" a voice shouted from across the car park

we both turned around to reveal lia running to catch up with us

"you alright li?" leah said, releasing her hand from mine and hugging her

lia smiled at me before engaging in a conversation with my girlfriend

we walked into the building, the conversation clearly not involving me

the changing room was already full and music was already playing

"turn this shit off" katie yelled to be heard over the volume of the music

"don't be a hater katie, you wish you were a tillie" kyra said, nudging katie jokingly

"i'm a proud irishwoman, thank you very much" she smirked

"i've been missing your strawberry kisses cuz nothings as sweet" kyra shouted, very much out of tune

"christ almighty. if you're gonna sing, at least sing it in tune" katie chuckled

"you're just jealous" kyra said, pouting her lips at her

"where's your mother?" katie said, glancing around the room "less?" she shouted

alessia popped out from around the corner, looking around for the voice that called her

"please get your feral child under control" she joked "and whilst you're at it, take her to singing lessons"

"i'm not made for this single mum life, it's too much work" alessia sighed

i quickly put my boots on as katie and alessia went back and fourth about kyra's uncontrollable behaviour

leah wasn't sat next to me on the bench like usual, instead she was sat over with lia, still talking about god knows what

we walked up to the pitch, ready for our training session ahead

"alex wait" a voice from behind shouted

"you alright viv?" i asked

"yeah, you?" she replied

"yeah all good" i smiled

"everything alright with you and le?" she asked

"yeah i think so, why?" i said

"she's not spoken to you since you both got here and usually you're inseparable" she said

"nah it's fine, she's just catching up with lia" i said

we passed the ball between us whilst we waited for jonas to arrive

"morning girls" he said with a smile

we huddled around him waiting for instructions for the session ahead

"as you all know, we only have 2 games left of the season. west ham this weekend and chelsea the weekend after. both games will be a shift but i believe that if we play our football we should have no problem winning" he explained

"today we will focus on finishing and attacking scenarios" he said

we went through the first drill which included a 1v1 on a defender and then finishing with sab and manu alternating in goal

i scored everytime it was my turn which instantly boosted my confidence

"there's a chance that you might be better than you were before your injury beck" lotte said and placed a hand on my shoulder

"i'm not sure about that one lotte" i giggled

we swiftly moved through the next few drills until the only thing left was the game

we split into teams and kicked off

the game ended 3-2 to the other team

beth scored one and i scored the other for my team whilst kyra scored one and viv scored two to secure the win

"good session girls, see you tomorrow for training just before our game against west ham" he expressed with a smile

we thanked jonas and the other trainers before grabbing our stuff

"alex could i speak to you for a second please?" jonas asked, causing the girls to turn back and look at me

i walked back towards jonas who stood with his arms folded

"great session today alex, i can really see the progress you've made" he said with a smile as he relaxed his shoulders

"thanks jonas" i smiled

"was everything okay yesterday? you didn't return after you left" he asked with a concerned expression on his face

"yeah, sorry about not coming back" i said

"i hope you don't mind but leah told me what happened" he said and my facial expressions instantly dropped

"we have a therapist here if you need to talk about anything or to get things off of your chest. please don't hesitate to reach out if you need help" he said with a soft look in his eye

"thank you jonas but i'll be fine, it was just a one time thing. i'd rather deal with stuff on my own, thank you for the offer though" i explained

"well let me know if things get worse alex, we can't afford for things to affect your performance when you're back because you're one of our strongest players" he said

i nodded as the words soaked in, i could tell he really cared about me

"thank you jonas, i'll see you tomorrow" i said

"see you tomorrow alex" he smiled

i headed back into the changing rooms and all of the girls glared at me

"everything alright mate?" katie asked

"yeah, why?" i asked

"not a usual thing for jonas to keep people back after training" she said

"oh yeah he just wanted to ask me something" i said

she nodded her head before going back to getting her stuff together

i sat down on the bench and untied my laces

"hey baby, everything okay?" leah whispered and kissed my cheek

"yeah everything's okay" i smiled

"do you wanna go out later?" i asked

"like on a date?" she asked

"okay let me rephrase that, leah williamson will you go on a date with me?" i smiled

"yes alex beck, i'd be honoured" she smiled back

i placed my lips against hers before pulling away

"gross" katie yelled

"i'd expect that to come from kyra, but you katie, really?" i laughed "you're obsessed with your girl as much as i am"

"well at least i don't hog her in public" she giggled

"at least leah and i were good at keeping it a secret unlike you" i snorted as i laughed

"i am good at keeping caitlin and i a secret" she defended herself

"keep telling yourself that babe" i said which caused leah and a few others to laugh

"oh just shut up and go home" she said

"will do, come on my love let's go" i said, offering my hand to my girlfriend

she placed her hand in mine and i grabbed our things before announcing our exit

"bye girls, see you tomorrow" i shouted

we headed out of the building and walked towards the car

"is there a reason for this date later?" she asked

"because i love you?" i replied back with a smile

"good answer" she smiled before getting into the car

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