arsenal vs west ham

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as we walked into the changing rooms, extremely loud music filled the room

the girls were dotted around the room and waved as they noticed laura and i's entrance

i put leahs bag down by her cubby hole before greeting a few of the girls

i made my way around the room with just alessia and a few others left

"you alright less?" i asked as she tied her laces

"yeah i'm just missing ella" she admitted, a sad tone lacing her voice

"the seasons nearly over less, you'll see her soon" i said, trying my best to reassure her

"that's if i get called up" she whispered

"less don't be stupid, of course you'll get called up" i assured her

"i hope so, going on camp is the only way i see her for a long period of time" she said

"i know but try to keep positive less, you're an amazing player and i have no doubt in sarina to call you up" i said and shot her a small encouraging smile

"thank you al, i really needed that" she replied, reciprocating a little smile back

"now, keep your head high and get your arse out there and show everyone what you're made of" i said and placed my hand on her shoulder along with a warming smile

she giggled before turning away to join the rest of the girls by the door

"smash it out there girls" i shouted which caused a loud cheer and clap from the girls

i joined laura at the back of the group along with lotte and leah

kim opened the door and the girls started making their way to the tunnel

"good luck baby" i whispered to leah as i wrapped my arms around her and placed a gentle kiss to her cheek

both laura and i left the girls and headed to our seats

we greeted leahs parents before i took my seat next to jacob

"thanks for getting us drinks by the way" i smiled, reaching down and picking my drink up from under my seat

"no problem" he replied "so, how you been man?"

"busy but yeah i've been good thanks, you?" i said, engaging in the conversation as the girls came out to train

"yeah good. everything alright with you and leah?" he asked, a genuine curiosity filling his voice

"we're in a really good place at the moment, we've never been better" i said, slightly blushing as the words left my mouth

"i'm really happy for you man, you're so good for her" he replied and shot me a small smile before returning his attention back onto the pitch

"i hope so" i said, lowering my voice in hope he wouldn't hear me

"alex, i promise you, there's no one else i'd want for my sister" he said softly, sending a comforting feeling through my body

soon enough, the girls disappeared back into the changing rooms for the last time before kick off

the crowd formed a loud atmosphere and the game hadn't even started

kick off was approaching and the subs from both teams emerged and placed themselves on their designated seats

jonas and the medical team followed behind and they sat down, waiting for the girls to get on the pitch

eventually, both teams walked out and made their way into their positions on the field and the crowd got louder and louder

as the girls took their places, 'north london forever' played as the crowd belted the anthem and scarfs were held up in the air

arsenal: d'angelo, fox, williamson, wubben-moy, mccabe, wälti, little, maanum, pelova, lacasse, russo
west ham: arnold, zadorsky, tysiac, denton, smith, hayashi, shimizu, cissoko, asseyi, ziu, ueki

the ref blew the whistle once, causing the girls to go down on one knee before blowing a second time to indicate the start of the game

west ham kicked off and the pressure remained heavy until we gained possession

the ball pinged between the two teams like a game of ping pong

after a few good chances from both teams, half time approached and the girls left the field and into the changing rooms

"this games really tight" laura whispered in my ear

"we aren't getting past the last defender, jonas needs to make some subs" i replied, hoping jonas would notice the gameplay the way i did

15 minutes later, the girls appeared again and the second half kicked off

jonas had made no changes during the break which meant our chances were the same as the previous half

65 minutes in, jonas finally made a few changes

pelova off, mead on
lacasse off, blackstenius on
mccabe off, catley on

"fresh pairs of legs, exactly what we needed" i expressed, resulting in jacob and laura to nod their heads

blackstenius created opportunity after opportunity but nothing worthy of a goal

the game of ping pong continued until west ham were attacking

the wingers stood wide, causing our full backs to drift out which left the middle wide open

that was until leah made a brutal but clean tackle to gain us possession again

with seconds left on the clock, we had one more opportunity to attack

beth ran with the ball down the wing as the crowd roared her name

as she reached the edge of the box, she looped the ball into box with alessia on the receiving end

alessia jumped into the air to make contact with the ball

the ball flew through the air and hit the crossbar before flying into the south stand

the ref blew the final whistle and the game ended with neither teams scoring, 0-0

"do you wanna do a lap with the girls?" i asked laura

"yeah sure why not" she replied with a smile and, with that, we made our way down onto the field

we joined the girls and walked around the edge of the pitch, clapping and waving at the fans as we went round

"well played my love" i said softly as i caught up with leah

"hm thanks" she said in annoyance

"think of the positives baby. you played well and we still got a point" i said, trying my best to assure her

"yeah guess so" she replied, forcing a smile on her face for the fans as we continued our lap

"i'll cheer you up later, yeah?" i said, placing my arm around her shoulder

she turned her head to look at me and let out a genuine smile along with a little nod before looking back towards the crowd

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