Morning after pt2

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I took a second to process what the fuck leah had just told me

"are you angry" she asked, visibly upset

"of course i'm not angry, you pretty much saved my life last night" i said, her face brightening up a bit

she looks so cute of a morning, her hair all messed up and her voice all groggy

"what was i doing on my phone" i asked her

she said nothing

i opened up my phone checking all the apps i had open

and there it was, instagram

specifically, leah and i's messages with nothing sent but a typed out message from my drunkard self

guesssss wgat loserre i'm
miving to arse nallll!!!!!!
gueas youll hav to pyt up
wit me fore a longgggggggg
tyme. anywauy i cant stopp
thinjing bout u like evaaaa
sorry i'm so drunk right
nowe    u r realy cute nd
funnny so i hope u realisse
one day thats we woulld
be perfevt tog gether  im realy
goijg to regret thiss jn the
morning byt im
glad i hav saud what
i neeedeed to sayy

well fuck

she laughs at me, snorting and everything

my cheeks go bright red, full of embarrassment

"seems like someone's got a little crush" she teased, placing her hand inbetween my thighs, rubbing her thumb in circles

"shut up" i say, still embarrassed yet so flustered at the same time

"you're not denying it" she teased even more, slightly highering her hand firming her grip on my leg

fuck sake

my entire face now visably red, no embarrassment, just purely flustered

she knows what she's doing

she inches closer to me, my stomach full of butterflies

our faces so close to eachother i could feel her morning breath blowing into my skin making me shiver


i grab her hand releasing her from my leg and putting it back into her own lap whilst moving further away from her on the sofa

"thats no way to treat someone who saved your life last night, is it?" she smirked

i cant keep this act up any longer, i want her. no, i need her.

i didn't say anything, my face still bright red, trying to look at anything in the room that wasn't her

i could quite clearly see her eyes were fixed on me, avoiding to make eye contact at all costs

"Alex, look at me" she said whilst reaching her hand over to my chin to turn me to look at her

she made a long sigh before saying

"that day, the final" she began to say "you didn't imagine it, i was flirting with you" she confessed, my face now more red than ever

"there's something about you that intrigues me alex, i don't know what it is" she said, her face becoming more red as she speaks

"and dont think its one sided becks, i cant stop thinking about you either"

am i dreaming?

"you haven't left my head since that day, my first thought in the morning is you and the last thought before i go to sleep is you" she admits

i don't know how much longer i can keep this up before kissing her

"it's like you've consumed me. at training all i can think about is you, i'm out with my friends and all i can think about is what you're doing or where you are, ALL THE FUCKING TIME ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS YOU" she shouts

"why are you think i followed you on instagram, did that not give you some sort of indication that i was interested? i waited for you to text alex. it was killing me not texting first but i didn't want to seem too desperate" she confesses, her face now completely red

"alex say something"

fuck it

i leaned into her, my lips placed gently into hers like a puzzle. the kiss was tender yet passionate. it's nothing i've felt before in my entire life.

she consumes me, she makes me weak in my knees, i'm head over heels for her and i fucking love it

placing my hands at her waist, we deepen the kiss. opening her lips giving me access to place my tongue together with hers

jesus christ

she climbs onto my lap, straddling me, placing one hand on my cheek, the other on my stomach, tracing my abs

i'm so fucking turned on right now, it's taking everything out of me to not fuck her right here right now

she leans in closer to me, our faces practically touching. i lower my face from away from her lips and down to her neck, sucking sweet and hard when i find her soft spot, earning a moan out of her

i move back up to her lips after admiring the love bites id left all over her neck, marking what's mine

our first kiss, the best kiss of my life. the only kiss i want to feel on my lips for the rest of my life

before getting too carried away, i pulled away

she raised her eyebrow at me, confused yet a little saddened it didn't go on for any longer

i giggled before pulling her in for one last kiss. she buried her head in my neck, fitting perfectly

my arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer into the embrace with both of her hands clinging onto the back of my neck

neither one of us moved nor said anything

eventually i said "that jumper looks good on you, almost too good"

i could feel her smile against my neck yet staying silent

i really could stay like this forever

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