arsenal vs bristol city

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we pulled up at the stadium with plenty of time before kick off

laura and i eventually made our way from the car park and into the building after being stopped multiple times by fans

we spent a few minutes looking around for leahs family before finally bumping into jacob by the bar

"alex! you came" he said, his voice filled with excitement

"i wouldn't miss it for the world" i said as he wrapped his arms around me

"laura it's so good to see you again" his attention moving swiftly from me to the brunette next to me

they exchanged a hug and immediately got into a conversation

"i didn't know you guys knew eachother" i admitted

"leah and laura are practically sisters, so i guess that makes laura my sister too" he chuckled

"so that's why you wanted to go for brunch. to give me the 'if you ever hurt her' speech" i laughed

"well i was planning on it, but i couldn't bring myself to be stern with you" she confessed

both jacob and i laughed

"but now that it's the topic of conversation. if you ever hurt her i swear to god-" she said sternly

"yeah yeah i know. you'll hurt me" i butted in, rolling my eyes at her

"oi! i tried to be stern. you know it's not my strong suit" she said, lowering her head to the floor

"stop bickering you two. come on let's go see mum and dad, they'll be wondering what took me so long to get drinks" he said and picked up the cups from the bar

he led us to our seats, just above the subs bench

"what took you so long jac-" amanda began before noticing laura and i

"alex, laura it's so good to see you both" she exclaimed, hugging us both individually

"hi amanda" i smiled

"long time no see amanda" laura said softly

"david, look who's here" leahs mother said, nudging her husband with her elbow

"alex, laura. good to see you" he said, holding his hand out to shake both of our hands

"david" i said, nodding as our hands met

we chatted amongst ourselves as we waited for the girls to come out into the pitch to warm up

cheers immediately filled the stadium as the girls emerged from the tunnel

kim led the girls out, followed by leah and beth walking hand in hand

we watched them warm up with perfection. the play looked so elegant yet so aggressive at the same time

before they headed back into the changing rooms, leah looked around the stands in search for her family, laura and i

she made eye contact with her mum first, smiling and waving as she did so

she moved on to david, followed by laura and jacob, yet again waving and smiling

last but not least, her eyes met mine

the chemistry and tension clear even though no words were spoken

a soft smile formed on her face as the gaze continued

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