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as the pain in my leg intensified, i alerted the nurses and they came rushing in

they immediately gave me some morphine to ease my pain

i was expecting leah soon and i really didn't want her to see me in the state i was in

as the morphine kicked in and made me drowsy, my body was forced to sleep

a few hours later my eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light and felt a tight clench against my hand

without looking, i could tell leah was by my side

"hey baby" i mumbled

"hey darling, you feeling okay?" she asked

i nodded my head slightly, masking the pain of the morphine wearing off

"how was training?" i asked

"it felt weird without you and the girls wouldn't stop talking about how worried they were about you" she explained

"that's very sweet of them baby, it won't be long until i'm back" i said with a soft smile on my face

she raised her eyebrow at me with confusion written all over her face

"what do you mean?" she asked

my smile widened as i knew the news i was about to give my girlfriend would make her day

"le" i started to stay

"baby just tell me" she said softly

"earlier this morning, my leg-" i said

"what about it?" she asked

"i...i felt it. the feeling...it came back" i hesitated

she grinned ear to ear as she pulled me into her embrace

"baby that's the best news i've heard all week" she exclaimed with tears forming in her eyes

"looks like i'll be back quicker than i thought" i said, hope filling my voice

"oh baby i'm so proud of you" she whispered, her mouth hovering over my ear

the praising words sent shivers down my spine and butterflies filled my stomach

as she moved her head to stare into my eyes, i couldn't help myself from kissing her

i placed a hand to cup her cheek and pulled her closer

our lips were inches away before i crashed my lips against hers

the butterflies in my stomach only grew more intense as the kiss continued

i pulled away for a moment, breathless yet desperate for more

i gazed into her bright blue eyes and couldn't help but smile

she placed her head on my shoulder before whispering in my ear

"god i cant wait to get you home"

her voice filled with desperation and need

she nibbled softly on my ear lobe and breathed slowly down my ear canal

goosebumps surrounded my skin and she made me want her more than ever

"le not here" i mumbled inbetween breaths

"baby i need you so bad, it's been so long" she whined, hardening her nibbles on my lobe

the tone in her voice grew needier by the second

"please baby" she begged

"le we're in a hospital" i said, giving her a different answer from what both of us wanted

she sighed deeply at my words and pulled herself away from me

"as much as i want to baby, we can't. not here" i said softly

"i know, i know. i just crave your touch so bad" she said

"i know baby, i'll be out of here soon enough" i assured her

a little while later, dr matthews entered my room

"good afternoon miss beck, the nurses informed me of your exciting news from this morning" he said with a warming smile on his face

"i have decided that you are well enough to be discharged this evening. however, you will need to come to appointments over the next few weeks for check ups" he explained

leahs face lit up at the doctors words

"thank you doctor" i said, full of gratitude

"i will arrange for a nurse to escort you to the discharge room, ready for your departure" he said

"thank you so much for taking care of her" leah expressed

"the pleasure is all mine. i wish you a full recovery miss beck" he said

i nodded my head and he left the room without another word

"looks like i'll get you home sooner than i thought" she smirked

i blushed at her words

"i'm gonna let katie, beth and viv know. i'll be back my love" she said before exiting the room to call my closest friends

once the nurses had finished the paperwork, i was finally discharged from the hospital that was my temporary home

they gave me a pair of crutches and the doctor prescribed me with medication to help subside the pain

as leah drove us home, a sense of relief filled my body. i never thought i'd be able to walk again and it was an absolute miracle

she held my hand the entire way home with a smile never leaving her face

"i'm really glad you're out of that place" she said softly

"me too baby, me too" i replied

the pain in my leg was unnoticeable when leah was around. shes my drug, i feel nothing but happiness when she's by my side

as she opened the door to our house with me hobbling behind her, the familiar smell that id missed so much wafted through my nose

being back at home after what feels like years was such a relief. i could finally relax and be comfortable in my own home

leah placed my bag full of clothes and the cards from the girls upstairs

as she came down the stairs, she made a big fuss of me trying to get to the kitchen

"al just sit down, i'll do it" she insisted

"baby i'm capable of doing it" i said as i hobbled slowly towards the kitchen threshold

"al just please let me do it, what were you looking for?" she insisted again

"le please" i said, sighing heavily

"baby come on, it'll be so much quicker if i do it" she said sincerely

"no leah i want to do it" i said, frustration filling my voice

her expression dropped by the tone of my voice and she sat down on the sofa to leave me to it

after lots of pain and small steps later, i finally reached the fridge and grabbed myself some water

"do you want anything to drink?" i asked

she ignored me

i grabbed her a glass anyway and i slowly made my way back into the living room

i placed both glasses on the coffee table and sat down next to her on the sofa, placing my injured leg up onto the table

neither one of us said anything and i knew that whatever came out of my mouth next could either end really well or really badly

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