Lazy days

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i spent the next few days at leah's, going back to my house every now and again to slowly bring all of my stuff to hers

it was currently 8am on saturday morning and leah and i were hosting a bonding night this evening

we lay there on the bed with her head on my chest and my arms pulling her closer

i placed a kiss on the top of her head and ran my fingers through her hair

"good morning baby" i said

she grunted at me and told me to give her 5 more minutes

i decided to tease her for those 5 minutes

i pulled her to lay on top of me completely and placed both of my hands on her bum, making sure to grip firmly

i moved my hands up and down her back and then down to her thighs

her breathing started to get heavier so i continued, making sure to go slower so she could enjoy it more

as i moved my hand back down to her thighs, i brushed my fingers against her underwear and she flinched at my touch

"is this okay?" i asked

she didn't say anything, she just nodded

so i continued

i moved her underwear out of the way and slowly placed one finger in between her folds before adding it another

she was now visibly and audibly awake as the sounds of her moaning got louder as i continued

"baby i just wanted 5 more minutes" she said breathlessly but i could clearly tell she was joking

i removed my fingers from her and she shot up, staring right into my soul

she raised her eyebrow at me before saying "i didn't say stop"

"i'm giving you your 5 more minutes" i chuckled whilst placing both of my hands around her waist

"fuck the five minutes" she said trying to grab my hand back to where it was less than a minute ago

i moved my hand away from her grip and placed it back onto her waist

"do you want some breakfast my love? are you hungry?" i said knowing full well what she would say

"i've got my breakfast in front of me thanks" she said, placing kisses on my neck

i knew she would say something like that

as she reached my soft spot, she sucked and nibbled a little harder and she earned deep and heavy breaths from me along with a few moans

i lifted her chin back up towards my lips, crashing my lips against hers and opening my mouth to allow her tongue to meet mine

we both giggled and pulled away for some air before crashing back into eachother

around 5 minutes later, i pulled away

"we better start to get ready my darling" i said before attempting to get up

"ugh but i want to stay like this forever" she replied and placed both of her hands around my neck before kissing my lips again

i got up out of bed with leah still on my lap and walked into the bathroom, her lips still touching mine

i placed her onto the counter and removed my lips from hers

i got both of our toothbrushes out of the cupboard

i put toothpaste onto leah's brush and stood in between her legs whilst i brushed her teeth as she looked into my eyes

once hers were clean, i brushed my own whilst still stood in between her legs and her still looking into my eyes

i placed a soft kiss on her lips before picking her back up and putting her onto the bed

i told her to stay there and i walked over to the wardrobe to pick her out some clothes

i decided on a pair of grey joggers and another one of the tops i had left her

i got her dressed whilst placing kisses on her forehead in between each step

after that, i picked her up and placed her on her chair that was at her desk. i brushed her hair and put it into a loose bun

once she was dressed, i bunged on a pair of joggers and her england top and quickly tied my hair into a ponytail

"i'm really liking all of this princess treatment you know" she said, smiling at me

"i wouldn't give it to you if you didn't deserve it" i replied whilst walking over to her and picking her up once more

she buried her head into my neck and whispered in my ear "you look sexy in my clothes"

i blushed as i carried her downstairs

"breakfast?" i asked her

she nodded at me

i took us to the kitchen and put her down on the counter before preparing breakfast

around 20 minutes later, i had made us both smoked salmon bagels with crème cheese and a coffee

leah spent the entire time watching me

i fed her her bagel and ate mine before placing the plates in the dishwasher

we had nothing to do during the day so it was just a waiting game until the girls came over for bonding night

"so what are we doing tonight?" i asked her whilst taking both of her hands into my own

"sex" she replied giggling at me

"are you just assuming that?" i asked raising my eyebrow at her jokingly

"errr" she hesitated "no..." she said sarcastically

"i bet you cant go 3 days without it" i said confidently

"shut up, of course i can" she replied sounding very doubtful in herself

"if you're so confident, i bet you £20 you can't do it" i replied sounding even more confident than before

"alright then, bet" she replied sounding a lot less confident than myself

this is going to be fun

"so now back to my original question, what are we doing tonight with the girls" i asked curiously

"we're having a movie night" she replied

"sounds like fun" i said as i picked her up and put her down onto the sofa before sitting next to her and placing my arm around her

she looked up to me and kissed my lips sweetly

as we had nothing to do until the girls came round, i put on a movie and she cuddled up into me

around 30 minutes into the film, she had fallen asleep with her head on my chest and her hands under my shirt

i think i'm falling in love with her, but how do i tell her?

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