official meeting

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i picked up the bottle of wine from the backseat and got out of the car

i took leahs hand in mine and she led me to the door

she squeezed my hand in reassurance as she knocked on the door

"you okay baby" she said softly

"yeah just a bit nervous" i admitted

"it'll be fine al, i promise" she assured me

i nodded in appreciation of her comforting words

a few seconds of anticipation later, the door finally opened

on the other side of the threshold stood leahs mother with a beaming smile

"darling" the lady exclaimed, immediately pulling leah into a hug

"hi mumma" she said

i stood awkwardly as the two interacted until the attention was turned onto me

"i remember a beautiful face when i see one" she smiled "it's lovely to officially meet you"

i smiled and held out my hand for a handshake

"don't be silly sweetie" she said as she wrapped her arms around me

her embrace was warm yet firm

"thank you for having us mrs williamson" i paused "me, i mean" i laughed awkwardly

"please darling, call me amanda" she insisted

i offered her the bottle of wine and she accepted with gratitude before walking through to the kitchen

"you okay?" leah whispered

i nodded my head slightly

"baby i'm here the entire time, okay? if anything gets too much, just say and we'll leave" she said softly

"thanks le but i'll be okay" i said, trying to reassure her as well as myself

i followed leah through to the living room where her father and brother were sat

"hey sweetheart" her father said, getting up from the sofa and hugging her

"hi dad" she said, melting into his embrace

"and you must be the famous alex" her dad said, turning towards me

i laughed awkwardly "it's lovely to meet you mr williamson"

"please, call me david" he insisted

i placed my hand out for a handshake and not to my surprise, i was pulled into a quick hug

"there's my favourite sister" her brother said, jumping up from the sofa and clinging onto my girlfriend

"your only sister" she giggled

as leah and her brother spoke, david and i bonded through football

"al come here" leah said, holding her hand out waiting for me to take it

"excuse me" i said politely to leahs dad before walking over to her and her brother

"al i want you to meet my brother" she said

i shook his hand and smiled at him

"al this is jacob. jacob this is alex" she said

"nice to meet you alex" he said, smiling

"nice to meet you too jacob" i replied, reciprocating the warm exchange

we sat down on the sofa as we waited for amanda to join us

after a few moments, her mother eventually came and sat down next to david on the sofa opposite leah, jacob and i

"so" david began "when did you two meet?"

"er- i" i stuttered on my words

leah sensed my anxiety and placed a gentle hand on my lap

i took a few seconds to pull myself together and take a deep breath

"we met at the continental cup final a few months ago" i explained

her parents nodded

"you were playing on the opposite team, weren't you?" he asked

"yes i was. if it wasn't for her turning around in the tunnel then i would have nothing to do with her" i said, scratching the back of my neck

"does the age difference bother you?" her dad asked again

"david! stop it" amanda scolded her husband

"no amanda honestly it's okay" i said, feeling the little squeeze on my leg from leah

"anyone who knows our ages would know there's a somewhat significant age gap. 8 years is a lot. i would say i'm very mature for my age. not to make this turn into a deep conversation or anything but my past experiences have shaped me so i've been forced to be mature from a young age" i explained

"i'm happy you could share that with us darling, thank you" amanda said with a smile

the conversation became less awkward as it went on

"what are you intentions with my daughter?" david asked

"dad you're going to scare her off" leah exclaimed

"le honestly it's fine" i said

"i'm really in love with your daughter mr williamson. i just want to make her the happiest woman in the world and i want her to know her worth" i explained innocently

david nodded in an understanding yet protective way

"i don't want you to feel like this is an interrogation alex" her mother laughed

"no honestly it's okay. i want you to get to know me so i can prove i'm serious about my feelings towards leah" i said

after a while, we sat down at the dinner table and talked as we ate the delicious food amanda had put together for us

"so jacob i hear you're a spurs fan" i said after i swallowed some food

he nodded his head

"do you go to the games often?" i asked, trying to get her little brother to open up

"yeah dad and i go when we're not watching this one" he laughed, prodding leah in the side of her stomach

"it makes me happy knowing that you're leahs number one fans at games" i admitted

"home or away, we're always there to watch our babygirl play. aren't we david?" amanda said proudly

david smiled and nodded as he chewed

"what other things do you like to do aside from football?" jacob asked

"i'm quite a simple and laidback person so i'll do anything really. i would say going out for lunch or coffee is something i enjoy a lot, along with going on walks. i like playing video games when i have the time and going for drives even if you don't end up going anywhere" i said

"wanna play fifa with me after this?" he asked, his voice filled with hope

"i have to admit, i'm a bit of a fifa nerd. let's do it" i giggled

the topic of conversation changed frequently and the awkwardness wafted away

i finally felt like i belonged to something. a family. the warmth they welcomed me with is something i've always dreamed of, this really is beginning to feel like home

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