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"i'll be back in a second babe" i yelled from downstairs

i walked down the road to the nearest florist

"hi could i have a bouquet of red roses please?" i asked the florist politely

she grabbed the flowers and wrapped them up neatly

i swiftly paid and thanked her before leaving to go back home

"le are you nearly ready?" i said, popping my head through the crack of the bathroom door

"yeah baby just give me two seconds" she replied, noticing my head from the corner of her eye and smiling

she reached for the door to open it completely, relieving the barrier between us

neither one of us were overdressed nor underdressed, casual but cute

"you look beautiful my love" i smiled with my hands behind my back

"stop flirting you idiot" she giggled

"why are you standing like that you weirdo" she said with one eyebrow raised

i moved my arms from behind my back and towards her, revealing the flowers in my hand

"such a softie" she laughed

"thank you baby, i love them" she smiled and took them out of my hands before placing a kiss on my cheek and placing them on the table

"i love that when you get me flowers they're always red roses because they were the ones you first bought me" she admitted softly "it reminds me of our first date"

"look who's the softie now" i laughed

"i still think it's you" she replied

"no shush, let's go" i said, leaving my arm slightly away from my body in order for her to hook around it

"where are we going?" she asked

"secrets" i smirked

we got into the car and, as always, let leah connect to the bluetooth

her new obsession lately is luke combs so obviously his songs are being played in the car

i drove along as leah sung her heart out with no care in the world

we eventually parked the car in camden

"where are we going?" she asked as we got out of the car

"i'm not telling you" i giggled

we walked for a while, hand in hand, and talked about random things

we got noticed a few times which i knew was going to happen at some point. i thought i would've been a little apprehensive about it but honestly i felt so happy i could be myself with leah in public

eventually, we stopped just outside the junkyard mini golf

"if there's one thing we're both good at, it's being competitive" i giggled before opening the door for her

"you do know i'm really good at golf" she said as she brushed past me

"we'll see about that" i said

we walked to the front desk and waited to be seen

"hi, i've got a booking for alex beck please" i said

"right this way ladies" she said as she insisted we follow her

she handed us two golf clubs and a ball each before leaving

"do you want anything to drink darling?" i asked

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