fatigue and fast food

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"you okay darling" she said as she opened the passenger door

"yeah, that session's just wiped me out" i said halfheartedly

"i'm not surprised al, you did a lot for your first session back" she said as she made herself comfortable in the seat next to me

i grunted slightly before pulling away from the car space

the car journey home was silent yet comforting

leahs hand permanently stuck to mine, our fingers together like a puzzle

we arrived back home pretty quickly and i immediately sunk into the sofa, not even bothering to get changed

as i laid on the sofa, i watched leah run around the house to tidy things up

"do you want some help le?" i asked softly

"no baby it's okay. you just rest" she replied with a smile

i did as she said and closed my eyes for a while

i eventually woke up, assuming a few hours later as it was now dark

as my eyes adjusted to the dimmed living room light, i noticed a pair of arms holding a firm grip around me

i turned my head slightly and leah was fast asleep, spooning me

i was always the big spoon so being in this position felt strange

she was snoring lightly and mumbling softly under her breath

i turned my body around slowly to face her, trying my best not to wake her

i snuggled my head in her chest and wrapped my arms around her back

without hesitation, she pulled me in closer. although she was still asleep it's as if it was a reflex action

we laid in eachothers embrace for what felt like hours

with her asleep, i laid awake thinking and smelling the sweet smell of her natural scent mixed with her perfume

the scent so homely and so comforting yet so intoxicating at the same time. the scent that keeps me sane yet drives me crazy

her heartbeat in sync with mine, slow yet deep. my head raising and lowering with every breath she took

i moved my head back slightly from her chest to have her eyes in line with mine

i watched her soft face as she slept. her face was so still and so beautiful. she looked so peaceful

i tucked a strand bit of hair around her ear and cupped her cheek with my hand, tracing my thumb in circles on her face

"are you watching me sleep" she whispered, half asleep with her eyes closed

"maybe" i mumbled

"stalker" she giggled slightly, her eyes fluttering

"i cant help it, you look so beautiful" i admitted

"what's got you in such a soppy mood" she said groggily, her eyes still trying to adjust to the light

"i just love you so much" i said softly

she pulled me as close as she could and held me tight

"i love you too darling" she said

we stayed in silence for a while, enjoying eachothers embrace

"are you hungry baby?" she whispered

i nodded my head in answer to her question

"pizza?" she asked

i nodded my head again

"what pizza darling?" she asked

"pepperoni please love" i replied

"okay, let me call them. i'll be back" she said as she climbed over me to get off the sofa

i groaned as our bodies were separated

"le" i groaned "come back"

"i'll be back soon my love, don't you worry" she smiled

she disappeared into the kitchen for a few minutes before returning back into my arms

"someone's feeling a bit clingy today" she whispered as i wrapped my arms tight around her

i shook my head and let out a slight laugh

"soppy fucker" she chuckled which caused an eye roll from me

leah put a film on and we cuddled on the sofa whilst we waited for the pizza to arrive

around half an hour later, the pizza was delivered

leah put the boxes on the table as i went into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge

i picked up a blanket and sat down, placing the blanket over both of us before resuming the film

we gossiped and giggled as we stuffed our faces with pizza

after all of the food was gone, leah rested her head on my shoulder and i placed my arm around her

"you tired my love?" i asked softly

she nodded her head slightly as she yawned

"go up darling, i'll sort this out and i'll be up in a minute" i said

she kissed my cheek and slowly got up from the sofa to head upstairs

i quickly cleaned up the empty boxes and bottles and folded the blanket, placing it neatly back on the side

once i had finished, i walked up the stairs and into the bedroom to find leah already fast asleep

i brushed my teeth, washed my face and got changed into my pyjamas as quietly as i could, making sure not to wake her up

i lifted up the duvet and slipped into the bed beside her

i shifted my body closer to hers, my chest resting up against her back

i placed my hand on her stomach, underneath her shirt and she sighed softly 

"goodnight my beautiful girl, i love you" i whispered and placed my lips against the back of her neck

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