one inch closer

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i had a meeting first thing with the medic team this morning about my progress

i drove both leah and i to the training ground before we parted ways

leah joined the girls and i went in for my meeting

"ah alex it's lovely to see you" one of the medics said as i sat down

"we've been discussing your progress and we think it's time for you to join the girls in training" the other medic explained

"you've made an enormous amount of progress so far and i think it's time to take another step forward in your recovery" the first medic said

"thank you" i smiled before leaving the room

the comment leah made yesterday played in my mind on repeat, i had to tell someone

kim appeared from around the corner and smiled at me

"hey kim, have you seen katie or viv this morning?" i asked

"not yet, why?" she replied

"oh don't worry, thank you" i said which caused her to smile and walk into the changing rooms

i waited around in the hallway in hope of them walking through the door

eventually viv and beth turned up

"you alright al? you look a little pale" viv asked

beth nodded in agreement

"yeah um, viv can i talk to you please?" i asked

"yeah sure" she said before turning to beth "can you take my bag with you please, i wont be long" she smiled

beth nodded and took vivs bag from her hand and disappeared into the changing rooms

"everything okay?" viv asked softly

"i'll talk to you about it once katie gets here" i said

we waited for katie for around 10 minutes

"are you sure you can't tell me now? you know katie's not the type to turn up on time" viv said

"no i need to talk to both of you" i sighed

katie eventually rocked up fashionably late with caitlin

"oi oi alex" the irishwoman shouted across the hallway with her arms in the air

i smiled as they got closer to viv and i

"you alright caitlin?" i nodded my head towards her "erm katie can i talk to you please?" i asked

"i'll be back in a minute cait, don't miss me too much" she said wittily

caitlin rolled her eyes before joining the girls

i ushered them into an empty room before sitting down on a table

a deep sigh left my mouth as katie closed the door

"what's up mate" katie said

"last night once we left viv and beth's, we got into the car and i gave leah a necklace she said she liked" i began

"showering your girl with gifts, i like it" katie smirked

"i dont understand" viv said

"everything was fine until she made a comment" i sighed again

"which was?" viv said eagerly

"she said something like: first the note on my drink then a necklace. what's next? you'll propose?" i said

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