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i turned the engine off where my therapy was taking place

leah squeezed my hand in reassurance

i sighed deeply as i unfastened my seat belt

i knew i needed help but there wasn't a thing i hated more in the world than talking about my problems. i always felt like a burden, no matter who the person was

"you can do this baby, deep breaths" she said softly, tracing patterns with her thumb against my hand

"le i don't think i can" i muttered

"al look at me" she whispered, using her free hand to tilt my chin to face her

she gazed into my eyes, her eyes filled with reassurance

"i know you don't want to do it but baby you know it's for the best if you want to get better" she explained, a soft tone filling her voice

i nodded slightly as my answer instead of using words

"you do want to get better al, don't you?" she asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes

i held my breath as i thought of my response. i really did want to get better but i honestly didn't think therapy would help

"yeah course i do" i said bluntly

"baby come on" she said, squeezing my hand ever so slightly

"i just don't see how it will help le" i admitted

"the only way it will help you is if you open up and let the therapist do their job my love" she comforted me

i shrugged my shoulders

"just give it a go baby, you never know" she insisted, the hopeful glint in her eyes slowly washing away

"please baby. do it for me" she begged "if you really don't think it will help after this session, then you never have to do it again" she continued as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear

"okay" i mumbled bluntly

the hopeful glint blooming once again with a smile forming on her face

"thank you darling" she said "i'm going to get a coffee whilst you're in there so i'll meet you back here in an hour"

i nodded my head as i got out of the car to walk towards the building

leah intertwined her fingers with mine as she walked me to the door

i stopped at the entrance to the building, anxiety flooding through my veins

"it's okay baby, you'll be okay once you're in there" she reassured me

"i'll see you later, okay?" i said and placed a kiss to her lips before parting ways with her

after being greeted by my new therapist and her introducing herself as sarah, she led the way to the designated room

she placed herself down in a chair and i plonked myself on the sofa opposite her

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