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we made our way over to the away fans as they cheered and waved

i seperated myself from the girls and headed towards ella

i took off my shirt revealing my practically naked upper half and handed her my shirt

"i believe this is yours" i said with a smile on my face

she placed her shirt in my hands and pulled me in for a hug

"maybe next time i'll be playing with you and not against you" she giggled

"no chance" i laughed

"just have a think about it" she said

we spoke for a while and i noticed the girl staring at me

"what's that girls name" i said and pointed over in her direction

she immediately looked away and focused her attention on the person she was speaking to

"that's lucia garcia" she revealed

a pair of hands wrapped around my waist and placed their head on my shoulder

"you guys are so cute" toone said "less told me, i hope you don't mind"

"it's not a secret but we're taking things slow with the publicity side of things" i said

"jonas told me to tell you he wants to see you" leah said

i took a deep breath before saying goodbye to ella and walking through the tunnel to where jonas was

he led me into an empty room

"would you like to explain the scene you caused earlier" he said with a stern look on his face

"she provoked me sir" i said

"don't let it happen again" he said

"sorry jonas" i said timidly

he left the room without another word, leaving me in the room by myself

i took the time to think about my actions and then the way i spoke to leah when she was trying to help

i slouched into the changing rooms, barely taking the time to pick up my feet as i walked

i plonked myself in my cubby next to leah's

i took my boots off in silence before packing them away in my bag

"sorry for the way i snapped at you earlier" i mumbled

"it's okay baby, what did jonas say?" she asked

"gave me a warning" i said bluntly

"at least it wasn't anything serious" she said

i grunted and ended the conversation by picking up my phone

once the rest of the girls were ready, we walked out of the changing rooms to exit the building

garcia was standing around with one of her teammates and whispered something to the girl next to her as i walked past

i stopped walking and turned myself around to face her

"you want to say something to my face or just to your little friend?" i said with attitude

"al just leave it" viv said

"just watch your back bitch" garcia said

i could see leah stood with beth with a worried look on her face

i remembered what leah said and took a deep sigh

i turned back around and continued my way out of the building

"that's what i thought" she yelled

i put my headphones in to block out the world and sat myself down in my seat on the bus

viv, beth and leah sat with me as usual but didn't speak to me as i clearly wasn't in the mood for conversation

as the bus drove us back to london, i rested my head on leah's shoulders and closed my eyes with tears forming in them

i got the sleep i needed and i woke up for the bus to be at a standstill, back at the training centre

we all said our goodbyes before leah and i both got in the car

"i didn't say this earlier, but im really proud of you for not reacting to garcia after the game" she said softly with my hand in hers

"thanks le" i said

"what stopped you from doing it?" she asked

"you" i mumbled

a smile grew on her face and she squeezed my hand tightly

"i love you" she said

"i love you more baby" i replied

i knew that once we got home we had to talk about my anger and how to control it but in this moment, i was happy

i pulled up in the driveway and we made our way inside the house

leah made us both a hot chocolate whilst i sat on the sofa and waited for her

she entered the living room and placed both mugs on the table before taking a seat next to me

i went into depth about my anger and completely let my guard down. for some reason, it was good to get it off of my chest

as i spoke, leah's eyes fell softer and tears filled her eyes

"i'm so sorry baby" she said softly

i gave her a slight smile

"do you think you would be up for some therapy or anger management? it might help?" she suggested

i shrugged my shoulders

"baby we need to do something or it will just get worse" she said "i don't want you to hurt yourself again"

tears streamed down her face

i could never accept help but at the same time i could see how much this was affecting leah and it was breaking my heart

"baby please say something" she begged

"okay" i mumbled

"okay as in you'll think about seeing someone?" she said with hope filling her voice

i nodded my head

"oh baby i'm so proud of you. thank you for saying yes" she exclaimed "i'll be with you every step of the way"

"thanks le" i said

"is everything okay?" she said sadly

"i'm just tired" i lied

"promise?" she asked

"i'm not sure what it is le" i admitted

"that's okay baby, let me look after you" she said

she laid down on the sofa and pulled me into her arms

"i love you" i whispered

"i love you more my love" she said

we spent the rest of the day together on the sofa in eachothers embrace, watching our favourite films

i've never been in love with leah more than i am right now. as each day passes, i fall more and more in love with her and i can't wait to marry her

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