Post training

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we got back to leah's around 20 minutes later

i let her unlock the door whilst i grabbed both of our bags

i walked through the door, placing both bags down onto the floor in the hallway

leah shut the door behind me and grabbed my waist and spun me around to face her

she pulled me by the hem of my shirt into a deep passionate kiss and i pushed her against the door

i grabbed both of her thighs and picked her up into my arms whilst still keeping our lips connected

i walked us both into the living room and sat down on the sofa with leah straddling me

she kissed me with pure passion, more than she ever has before

she pulled away and lifted my top over my head, revealing my sports bra and my sweaty body from football earlier

i could tell by her eyes that she was hungry, hungry for me

"eyes are up here baby" i said smirking at her

"you cant stop me from looking at what's mine" she replied whilst placing kisses around my shoulder blades

she moved up to my neck, sucking hard and leaving red marks all over, earning a groan from me

i ripped off her top, throwing it somewhere around the room

her lips met mine once again, her lips parting allowing access for my tongue to intertwine with hers

she moaned into my mouth as i adjusted her on my lap placing her just right

i placed both of my hands on her waist before rocking her back and fourth gently

her lips pulled away from mine and she looked me in my eyes

"baby i've waited so long, i've been so patient" she said, slightly out of breath

"i dont know what you mean my love, you're going to have to use your words" i replied confidently

"baby please" she begged

"words my love" i teased as i moved towards her neck sucking gently at her sweet spot which turned her on even more

"enough with the games alex, just fuck me already" she pleaded

i nodded and i lifted her sports bra over her head

and with her given consent, i lifted her up and placed her onto the sofa to lie her down

i laid on top of her, her eyes now more hungry than ever

i started from her lips, making my way down to her neck, then down her stomach kissing around her abs leaving hickeys all down her toned body

i reached her waistband and i played with the drawstrings

"alex please" she whined

i pulled down her trousers revealing a shine all around her bare legs

"wow someone got themselves worked up" i said smirking at her

she didn't seem impressed in the slightest

i played with her black thong, rubbing the material between my fingers before trailing them down her legs and eventually onto the floor

i moved my way down to her thighs, kissing both of them

she flinched at my touch

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