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there was only a few minutes left of the first half for me to make an impact on the game

two minutes on the pitch and i had already intercepted the ball with lots of space infront of me to make a decision about where i was going to kick the ball next

i had beth to the right of me and alessia infront of me clinging onto the last defender to stay onside

i dribbled the ball closer towards the goal without any defenders swiping the ball off of me

i had alessia calling for the ball but she had defenders either side of her

i ignored her calls and took a touch to open up my body

i had a clear shot if i made it past the last defender infront of me

i stepped over the ball and mislead the defender to go the other way and i was through to goal

i released the ball with my left foot, giving it a slight curl and aiming for the bottom left corner

the keeper dived but the ball was placed so perfect that she couldn't reach it

the ball rolled into the back of the net and the crowd jumped up and down waving their scarfs around


after resetting and kicking off again, the board displayed 2 minutes extra time

we tried to hold off their attack as much as possible

leah and lotte were solid at the back and didn't let any attackers through

a few moments later, the ref blew the whistle for half time and we all walked off the pitch, through the tunnel and into the changing rooms

as we were walking off of the field, leah came running up behind me and jumped on my back

"that was a great goal my love" she said as she adjusted herself on my back

"thanks le" i replied blushing

"are you okay? stressing out at all?" she asked curiously

"no i think i'm okay, i just need to stay focused on the game or i'll lose myself" i replied softly

she nodded her head and i carried her into the changing rooms

"simp" i heard a distinct irish accent say

"shut it katie" i replied laughing

she rolled her eyes at me before jonas walked into the changing rooms and i let leah down onto the ground

"good first half ladies. in the second half i want you to prove that we want it more than them" jonas said confidently "if we want a chance in winning the league then we need to win this game"

we all nodded in sync and kim gave a quick motivational speech about what we can do to improve in the half coming up

jonas pulled me aside before we went back out to the pitch

"i'm very impressed with your performance so far alex, i want to see you do that again in this second half" he said

i smiled and nodded my head before lining up by the tunnel with the girls to start the second half

one of the girls from the opposite team was looking at me which i could see from the corner of my eye

i turned to look at her and she smiled so i reciprocated it

"congratulations on the debut" the lady said

"haha thank you" i replied awkwardly

"the names jordan by the way, jordan nobbs" she said

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