Bonding night

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after a few more hours of laziness and in leah's case, sleeping, the evening was nearby so the girls were going to be on their way soon

i had to wake leah up to get the living room set up so there was enough space for everyone to sit

"le wake up" i said softly

no reply

so i repeated myself

still no reply

at this point i decided to lift her up from my chest and get up so i could do it all whilst i let her sleep

as soon as i got up from the sofa her eyes opened

"where are you going?" she asked, her voice all groggy and her arms out insisting me to come back

"i'm getting everything set up for tonight baby, go back to sleep and i'll sort this out" i replied whilst moving a few chairs from the dining room into the living room

she got comfortable and closed her eyes once again and she shivered slightly so i placed a blanket on top of her and placed my lips against her forehead

i carried on setting up the room and tried my best to make minimal noise so i didn't wake leah up

i poured some snacks into bowls and placed them onto the coffee table

once i was finished, i went upstairs to freshen myself up

i washed my face and got changed into some different clothes from earlier

i decided on my grey nike tech tracksuit and i took my hair out of the ponytail and let it down

i put on some perfume that so happens to be leah's favourite

if i want to win this bet then i have to try my hardest to crack her

i headed back downstairs once i was ready. i picked leah up and let her know she had to get ready

she didn't say anything but i could feel her breathing into my neck and burying her head into it, taking in the smell of my cologne

i sat her on the bathroom counter and she was still half asleep but i could see she was checking me out

i washed her face and took off her shirt revealing her sports bra

i stood in between her legs and locked my lips against her neck whilst she wrapped her legs around my waist

i pulled away after leaving a few red marks and picked her back up to place her onto the bed

i grabbed her some clothes from the wardrobe, i decided on her arsenal shorts and one of my hoodies

i let her hair down out of the loose bun and brushed through her hair

once i was done, i placed a kiss to the top of her head

"are you going to treat me like this forever?" she asked whilst slightly mocking me

"i can stop" i replied slightly giggling

"erm absolutely not" she said and crossed her arms around her chest

i rolled my eyes at her as she got up from the bed and into the bathroom

once she had finished, she stood at the sink and was looking into the mirror infront of her

i took my chance to tease her some more and walked up behind her

i placed both of my hands around her body, slightly lower my right hand under her shorts

i nestled my head in between her shoulder and her head before kissing her collarbone

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