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for some reason, this meeting with my agent made me really nervous

it's not like i was nervous about seeing sophie, i mean i've known the girl since i started at the academy 6 years ago

before exiting my car, i held my hands on the back of my head, forcing myself to take slow deep breaths

after i'd calmed down, i left my car and walked into the same cafe that i seem to spend every day of my life in

as i searched my surroundings, i was greeted by a familiar face, smiling wide and hard

"Al, it's so good to see you" the lady expressed as she got up from her seat and pulled me into a hug

"i missed you Soph" i replied, still not letting go of her embrace

"how are you?" she asked with one eyebrow raised, clearly knowing something was up

"i'm okay, i'm just nervous about this meeting" I confessed

"it's nothing to be worrying about" she assured me whilst indicating to me to take a sit opposite her

i sat down, ordered the same food that i have pretty much everyday

smoked salmon and crème cheese on a bagel, along with my favourite oat latte

"right.." she began to say, "we have to discuss your options for next season"

i nodded my head

"4 teams have expressed an interest in you" she said

my eyes widened as the number pronounced came out of her mouth

"4????" i said in shock

she nodded her head

my heart was pounding out of my chest

she took a moment before proceeding to say "which are the following:
chelsea 1.5 years as you have already discussed with Emma
Manchester city 2 years
Everton 3 years
Arsenal 2 years

there is no fucking way

"you don't need to decide right in this moment in time, but i preferably need an answer by the end of the day so i can let the other clubs know your decision" she said, looking up from her laptop to look at me

i nodded my head indicating to her that i understood before giving myself a few minutes to think

Chelsea has been so good to me and I know it would be great to carry on there but i can't miss this opportunity. i have the chance to make the little girl inside of me happy and be back at home. i have the chance to make my father proud. plus i'd get to see her again

i took a deep breath before replying to her "i've made my decision"

her face lit up, apprehensive yet excited to hear my next few words

"id like to go to arsenal" i said in confidence

she smiled at me, typing away at her laptop

"i'll let the other clubs know of your decision and Arsenal should be in touch with you soon" she replied

"thank you sophie" i said

"i'm glad you've made a decision, it definitely makes my life a lot easier" she laughed at herself before opening her mouth again "i'm really proud of you Al, this is a massive step for your career"

i started to tear up

"i really appreciate that, thank you" i replied with swimming pools forming in my eyes

she got up at pulled me into a tight hug reassuring me that i've made the right decision incase i had any doubts

about ten minutes later, she packed away her laptop and told me she had a meeting to get to. she said her goodbyes and i walked her to her car

"i'll see you soon for your first meeting with Jonas" she said "it's going to be weird seeing you wear red and white after all this time" she chuckled

i laughed with her as she got into her car

as she left, i got out my phone to see if i had any messages

Hey Al, i'll come and
pick you up at 7:30.
sam will also be in the
car along with guro

thanks for the heads up
Mills, I'll see you then

it was currently 4pm so i had a few hours before i had to go out. i decided to get in my car and head home

i unlocked my front door and wondered into the kitchen, immediately making myself a hot chocolate with whipped cream

i placed my hot chocolate on the coffee table and threw myself onto the couch in the living room, turning the tv on at the same time

i put 10 things i hate about you on as i sipped on my hot drink

about 20 minutes later, my eyes were heavy, struggling to keep myself awake. eventually i gave in, letting myself gradually fall asleep


i woke up from my nap and immediately checked my phone to see the time


I had multiple notifications, one from instagram and a message from niamh charles

i clicked on niamh's message first

millie told me you're
coming tonight, can i
come to yours before
so she can take us both?

hey niamh, yeah sure
i'm at home so come
whenever you're ready :)

cool thanks i'll be with
you in 30 minutes x

now time for me to check my instagram notification

my eyes widened as i saw what it read

leahwilliamsonn has requested to follow you

maybe i was imagining it

i clicked open instagram to check my profile requests, my heart slightly skipping a beat

alexbeckfan1, chelsealover10, lionesses and leahwilliamsonn

i genuinely couldn't believe my eyes

hang on, why has england requested to follow me

i was so confused. nevertheless, i accepted each one making sure to follow back leah as well as england

this is so strange, it can't just be a coincidence, right?

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