Morning after

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⚠️ mentions of throwing up

i was awakened by a blinding light hovering above my eyes, revealing my own bedroom

how the fuck did i get home

as i adjusted to the lighting, i found myself laying in my own bed, slightly comforted but mostly worried

i flipped the duvet off of my legs and attempted to sit up

fuck my head hurts so bad

i looked down to my body to find myself in a pair of shorts and my sports bra

i still had no recollection of getting home let alone getting changed

i stood up to find my clothes that i'd worn last night, neatly folded on my desk apart from my shirt, covered in puke, which was in my washing basket

i don't feel so good

i rushed into the bathroom and yacked up the rest of the alcohol that sat in my stomach from last night

i really don't remember much, the last thing i can recall was going to the bathroom with a random girl and getting off with her in the cubicle (classy right)

after throwing up the excess alcohol, i stood in front of my mirror

god i look like shit

i had a black eye, my lip was busted and honestly, i just looked like death

how the fuck did i get so messed up

as i brushed my teeth and washed my face, i tried my hardest to recall any of the events from last night

oh my god, those girls. they were fighting

i must have tried to break them apart and got in the way of it all

i limped back into my bedroom reaching for my phone which was on my bedside table, on charge

i opened my phone to many missed calls and messages

Millie💙 6 missed calls

Sam✌🏼 3 missed calls

Niamh🦁 8 missed calls


i opened my messages one by one

01:13 Alex where are you?

01:32 Alex????

01:54 no one's seen you in hours
           where are you???

02:17 Al we need to leave now

03:02 Alex please let me know
            you're okay

00:39 Are you still at the bar?

01:14 Alex where are you?
           no one has seen you
           in hours

01:38 everyone's worried
           sick man, just let me
           know you're okay, please

02:23 Millie wants to go now
            so make your way to the

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