Post Debut

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after the debrief about the game, jonas congratulated me and expressed how proud of me he was

"you really proved yourself today alex, i'm very happy you're a part of this club" he expressed

"thank you jonas" i replied as i unlaced my boots

the girls left one by one until it was just leah and i

i grabbed both of our stuff before walking towards the door

"you coming?" i asked

she nodded her head slightly and followed behind me as i let us to the car

the car journey on the way back was dead silent

no one spoke, the radio was off and leah didn't hold my hand like she usually does

i needed to talk to her about what was wrong

"can you pull over?" i asked

"can it wait until we get home?" she replied sounding quite annoyed

i didn't reply to her, instead i turned my head to look out of the window for the rest of the journey

leah pulled up on the driveway and i grabbed the bags out of the back whilst she was opening the door

i placed the bags on the floor and she sat down on the sofa, visibly upset

"what's wrong le" i asked as i sat down next to her

"nothing" she replied bluntly

"baby it's got to be something, did i do something wrong?" i asked softly

i placed my hands on top of hers and she turned her head to look at me

"you didn't do anything wrong, i'm just jealous" she said

"jealous? of who baby?" i asked her with a confused look on my face

"jordan" she replied as she sighed

"jordan nobbs?" i replied

she nodded her head

"you have no reason to be jealous my love i promise you" i tried my best to reassure her

"what did she say to you?" she asked as if she was trying to hide something from me

"she was just congratulating me on my debut le, it's nothing i promise" i said softly

she took a deep breath before saying "i'm going to be honest with you al, okay?"

"you can tell me anything" i replied confidently

"she's my ex" she said

i didn't say anything

"that's why i was jealous, it wasn't nice to see my ex talking to my girlfr-" she stopped herself before saying the last word

i decided not to pick up on the girlfriend part and instead focused on the problem

"baby i promise you it was nothing, she didn't mention you and neither did i" i replied

"i'm sorry" she said as she leaned into my chest

i wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug

"you have nothing to be sorry for baby, if i had known that was your ex i wouldn't have spoken to her. i was just trying to be friendly" i said whilst stroking my fingers through her hair

she looked up at me with a different expression on her face from a few seconds ago

she was smiling. "i'm really proud of you for today al, you did really well"

"i did that 5 things thingy you told me to do and it really helped, thank you le" i said as i looked into her eyes

"i'm always right" she said jokingly

i pushed her away from me in fake annoyance

"whatever" i folded my arms to try and act annoyed

"quit being a baby and come here" she said as she pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss

i pulled her on top of me and continued to kiss her hard

after a few minutes, i pulled away and said "we're going out tonight by the way. wear something smart but cute"

"you asking me on a date beck?" she asked as she smirked

"i might just well be, williamson" i replied, smirking even harder than she was

i grabbed her face to pull her back into the kiss before pulling her into an affectionate hug

we stayed there for a while and she buried her head in my neck

"le?" i asked softly

she grunted as she was clearly half asleep

"will you come and help me look for apartments please?" i asked

"no, you're staying here with me" she replied groggily "i got you a key cut, it's on the counter in the kitchen"

i smiled and kissed the top of her head and thanked her before closing my eyes

i woke up a few hours later with leah still on top of me and her head still buried in my neck

"baby wake up" i said poking her back

"no" she replied

i giggled at her response

i stood up from the sofa and walked upstairs with leah still clinging onto me

i placed her on the bed under the duvet so she could sleep for a bit longer

little did she know that i've completely booked out her favourite restaurant, curtesy of amanda, and i'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight...

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