The hospital

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Leahs pov

i drove myself to the hospital as fast as i possibly could, not taking any notice of the speed limit

i rushed into the emergency room and was greeted by a lady at the front desk

"hello how can i help you?" the lady asked with a smile

"i'm here to see alex beck" i said with urgency

she typed away at her computer to figure out where my girlfriend was located

a tall slender man came round from the corner and faced me

"miss williamson?" he asked

i nodded my head

"i'm dr matthew" he said and held out his hand to initiate a handshake

i took my trembling hand and placed it in his, reciprocating the shake

"come with me" he said

i followed him through the hospital into a private room next to alex's room

"she's been unconscious for some time so we're not sure when she will wake up" he said

tears streamed down my face

"i know this time may be difficult but i have to ask, is there anyone that should be informed of miss becks condition? any family members?" he asked

"it's just me" i stuttered inbetween cries

he nodded his head

"she was discovered in her vehicle at the scene with another vehicle caved in at the passenger side. miss beck's bumper was wrapped around a lamppost and the windscreen was shattered. the force of the collision had jolted her neck and i assume she had made contact with her head on a part of her vehicle. the airbags failed to deploy so this didn't help her case" the doctor explained

"i must inform you that miss beck is in critical condition and has suffered a major head trauma as well as a major wound in her upper leg which was caused by a shard of glass. we were able to remove the foreign object, however the shard was wedged in one of the nerves in the leg. i have to warn you that she may never gain any feeling back in her leg and she may be paralysed whether that be temporary or permanent" the doctor continued

as the doctor went on, uncontrollable tears flooded down my face

"i'm very sorry and i wish miss beck all the best in recovery" he said with a smile

"the paramedics were able to retain a few items in the car before leaving the scene" the doctor said

he walked out of the room before returning with a handful of red roses in his hand

he held them out towards me "i believe these are for you"

he smiled at me and handed them over before leaving to see to the other patients

i braced myself to see alex in the way that she is

i wiped the tears from my face and opened the door into the room where she lay

she looked like she was in so much pain

i took deep breaths as i stared at the tubes wedged into my girls body

her heart rate was steady on the monitor and her breathing was slow

she had colour in her face which was one of the only positives about this situation

i dragged the chair closer to the bed and sat with her, placing her hand gently in mine

i stayed there for hours, not once did i leave her side

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