celebations and home-cooked meals

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the girls did their victory lap around meadow park as the crowd screamed

they applauded the fans as they went round as well as a few girls doing the iconic badge tap

kyra snuck behind alessia and jumped onto her back, causing the girls and a few people in the crowd to laugh

eventually the girls got around to where we were sat

the grins coming from their faces spoke a thousand words

the one grin in particular that was wider than any other was leahs

you could tell by the look on her face how much that goal meant to her

katie whispered something into leahs ear as they looked over at us

without any hesitation, leah jumped over the barrier and made her way through the fans

she immediately jumped into my arms with her hands resting on the back of my head

with her smile wider than ever, she looked deep into my soul

her gaze so soft yet so intoxicating

we were never really affectionate in public and we never posted eachother on social media

the only people who knew about us were our closest friends, family and the group of girls at the spurs game

there were rumours about us but we never openly said we were together. well, they were rumours, up until now

she placed her lips against mine and butterflies consumed my body

her fingers played with my baby hairs on my neck as she continued to kiss me

my legs buckled and i became weaker

she eventually pulled away and looked back into my eyes

my eyes expressed confusion and fear about what the public may think whilst hers displayed certainty and confidence

the girls i spoke to earlier screamed as their phones were directed at us

"i- i wasn't expecting that" i stuttered

"someone's flustered" she giggled as she traced patterns on the back of my neck

"if you keep doing that, i'm going to remain flustered" i mumbled as a pink coat flushed my cheeks

"noted" she smiled as her ego skyrocketed

"you do realise i'm going to have to face your parents and your brother once you leave" i whispered in hope they wouldn't be able to hear me

"you and laura can come to the changing rooms with me if you're that scared" she quietly chuckled

"i'm not scared" i lied

"are you sure about that one?" she teased

i nodded my head to convince both of us

"pussy" she coughed and muttered under her breath

she jumped down from my arms and back onto the ground

she greeted laura and her family before leading laura and i into the changing rooms for the post match debrief

"what took you so long" katie teased, knowing full well what had just happened

"had to pick up laura and alex for the debrief and the celebrations" she said

jonas came in and gave the girls his speech before congratulating them and leaving the room

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