Night out

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i put my phone down, still confused as fuck but i had no time to dwell on the requests

i ran up the stairs realising i only had an hour to get ready and that was definitely no where near enough time

i hopped into the shower, in and out as quick as i could

i wrapped the towel around myself and i heard a knock on the door

"come in it's open, i'm just getting changed" i shouted down the stairs, knowing it was niamh

i heard niamh stomping up the stairs before knocking on my bedroom door

"you decent?" she asked

"yeah come in" i replied as she nudged the door open

i turned around, looking at her with her being definitely over dressed

she was wearing a black v neck dress, not too short, not too long. just the right length, revealing just the right amount of cleavage without looking slutty

"wow you look hot" i said "i thought we were going for a few drinks not to a dinner in mayfair" i laughed at myself

she looked at me with a confused look in her eye

"al, you do know we're going into london for drinks, right?" she said

"what? are you serious?" i sighed, knowing full well i would have to wear something more than the tracksuit i had laid out before showering

she nodded and she glanced over at my bed to where my tracksuit laid neatly

"you can't wear that alex, you'll be the odd one out" she exclaimed

"ugh" i said out of frustration as i walked over to my wardrobe, opening it up to search for an appropriate outfit to wear

i eventually settled for a pair of black trousers, a white shirt, a black blazer and my black loafers

i got changed in my bathroom whilst niamh played candy crush on her phone, making herself comfortable on my bed and wrapping the duvet around her

i put my sports bra on and some boxers along with the clothes i got out of my wardrobe previously

now i was dressed, all i had to do was my hair

i walked out of my bathroom, immediately niamh lifted her head up locking her eyes with mine

she raised one eyebrow up before opening her mouth "wow"

i smiled at her and accepted the compliment before saying a very cocky "stop flirting with me" i winked at her as her cheeks went red

i headed over to my desk and sat down in my chair, getting my hair drying out of the drawer before turning it on

about 20 minutes later, and 12 levels of candy crush later, i had blow dried and straightened my hair

"hair up or down?" i asked niamh

"definitely down" she replied, slightly winking at me

"i said stop flirting with me charles" i teased before slapping her leg underneath the duvet

she laughed away the pain before my phone started to ring. it was sam

we're outside, is niamh
with you?

okay coming, yes
she's with me

hurry up, i'm not waiting
forever. i want to see kristie

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