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my head throbbed and i felt sick to my stomach as my eyes adjusted to the daylight shining through the curtains

to say i was hungover is an understatement

the memories of last night were a blur, the last thing i remember was making a stupid bet with katie

i woke up to an empty bed with the pillows already neatly placed as if the bed had already been made on leahs side

i slowly got up, clinging onto my head for dear life

i slouched to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before making my way down the stairs

i immediately made my way to the kitchen to get some water

leah was already dressed and drinking her coffee, leaning again the kitchen counter

"morning" i groaned as i opened the fridge door, searching for the jug of water

"someone's a bit hungover" she giggled

"i think that's an understatement" i said, still holding onto my head

she opened the cupboard and turned to face me

"here" she said, offering me the packet of aspirin in her hands

i smiled at her, accepted them and took them along with a cold glass of water

there was some sort of tension in the air but i was clueless as to why

"you okay?" i asked as i placed the glass down on the side

she nodded her head slightly

"you sure?" i asked sincerely, cocking my head

"yeah just tired" she replied

i pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her

she nestled her head in my neck and took a deep breath

"what's wrong my love?" i whispered

"nothing don't worry, it's just about last night" she said, trying to avoid the truth

"what about last night?" i asked

she sighed before speaking

"do you remember anything from last night?" she asked

"i remember you meeting rachel and making a bet with katie and then-" i paused

she lifted her head up to look at me

"then i threw up in the bathroom" i muttered

"do you remember who was with you?" she asked

"you were" i replied quickly

"before that baby" she said

"oh erm" i took a second to think "i think it was jordan"

she nodded her head

"and then you sat me down and you were having an argument with someone at the bar" i continued

she didn't say anything but by the look on her face, she was upset

"is everything okay le?" i asked, still clueless

"i have to tell you something" she said

i smiled, indicating to her to proceed

"well, jordan is erm" she hesitated "my ex"

my stomach dropped

"oh is she?" i asked with a blank expression on my face

"yeah, it's a bit complicated" she sighed "it felt weird seeing you two laughing and dancing together"

"baby if i knew i swear i wouldn't-" i said before being cut off by leah

"i know al. it's just" she took a deep breath "when i saw you two go into the bathroom together, i jumped to so many conclusions"

"le i'd never cheat on you, you know that right?" i said

her head nodded slightly as her gaze drifted and i placed both of my hands in hers

"baby look at me" i said

her eyes eventually met mine

"i love you more than anything in this world, i wouldn't do anything to hurt you. i promise" i confessed

"i know al. it's just, seeing you yesterday reminded me of things in my past and how badly those things hurt me and i really don't want to go through that again" she said as tears formed in her eyes

"i know baby i'm sorry. i know how it looked but i promise i'd never do anything to hurt you" i reassured her

"you just looked so happy dancing and laughing. i thought i was going to lose you" she sniffled

"you could never lose me my love. you've got me wrapped around your finger" i said which caused her to giggle a little

"what were you arguing about?" i asked softly

"it's not a big deal" she said, attempting to shut my question down

"i can see it's a big deal to you, so it's a big deal to me" i said

she sighed again "she made a comment about you and it upset me so i shouted at her"

"what did she say?" i asked

"something about her finding you fit and stuff" she let out

"so you had a go at her?" i asked

"i cant help being protective over what's mine" she replied

my cheeks flushed pink as the words departed from leahs mouth

"i can assure you that she is not my type" i giggled

"i should hope that no one but me is your type" she smiled

"the next thing i was going to say is that leah williamson is my type but you interrupted me" i laughed

she wrapped her arms around me and nestled her head back to its original position

"i love you al" she whispered

"i love you more" i replied, kissing the top of her head

"i'm sorry i upset you last night. i promise there was nothing to it. i just needed to get the alcohol out of my system and i couldn't find you" i said

she didn't say anything but i could feel her smiling against my neck

"why didn't you tell me?" i asked

"about what?" she replied

"that she was your ex?"

"i'm not really sure" she said, a sense of guilt filling her voice

we stood in eachothers embrace for a long while as i nestled my hand in her hair

"how about we go for a walk, yeah? then we can come back and be lazy and i'll even make you dinner" i suggested

"that sounds perfect" she whispered "but can we just stay like this for a bit longer"

i nodded my head, held her tight and wished this moment would last forever

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