Chapter 19: The Cold-Hearted Trickster

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Chapter 19: The Cold-Hearted Trickster

Jef's been throwing pine cones at the wild dogs below him. The winter spirit's son would laugh every time he hits one on the wild dog's nose and growled at him madly. He even teased the beasts and stuck his tongue at them while singing a mocking song like the animals could understand him.

"Geez… what's taking (F/n) so long!" exclaimed the boy and threw another pine cone at one of the creatures below.

His stomach growled and the young boy groaned madly. He stared at the pine cone he's holding but he threw it afterwards and muttered, "I'm not going to eat that… again…"

Jef remembered the time when Jack gave him a pine cone and insisted him to take a bite. At first, he neglected but because of the winter spirit's badgering, he tried; and after that…. He threw up and felt very sick.

"I still can taste that vile flavor…" he whispered and covered his mouth. He touched his tummy when it growled and felt the flute inside his shirt. His lips curled into a smile and took out his silver flute. He stared at his name, as usual, before he played it.

"I hope… she'll hear me…" said the boy.

A calm wind made the leaves danced and made the creatures below him stopped snarling. He continued and closed his eyes as he concentrated on his music. The moon shone brightly across the place giving Jef a perfect spotlight.

His beautiful and relaxing music was interrupted by an abrupt wind that hit his face. The young boy accidentally dropped the instrument and tried to follow it but it was far too late. Luckily, someone caught it, but not by the beasts of course, by a young boy about eighteen years of age.

Jef's face enlightened when he saw the teenage boy. He was so excited but then he remembered what you said before he left with Jack's mother. "Don't talk to him if you see him again."

"Why?" he thought. Jef shut his mouth and stopped himself from calling the winter spirit.

He wanted to tell the young guardian how happy he was to see him but he must not talk to him. "Why not?" he said to himself.

The winter perched on a tree limb and inspected the thing he was holding. Curious about the instrument, he looked through the holes of the flute and kept tapping it against his palm. Jef stared at the teen boy with his mouth half opened.

The winter sprit's son whispered, "Jack Frost…" almost breathlessly.

His son got worried about the way Jack held it. Jack was about to tap it on the trunk when your son yelled, "Stop! Don't do that!"

Jack stopped and felt surprised about the voice he just heard. He looked around and saw a boy, with dark brown hair, (your eye color), wearing modern clothes like he was seeing these past few years, looking directly at him.

"Are- are you- tal- talking to me?" Jack stammered and pointed at himself.

"Oh no…" murmured Jef, "What did I just do…" he added.

"Hey kid!" shouted the teen boy with delight and waved wide at the boy to get his attention. "Ca- can you see me?" he added.

Jef stared at the winter spirit for a few minutes and suddenly, Jack flew closer to him and shot Jef a big, excited smile.

"Hey kid… did you just talk to me?" said Jack blissfully with a wide grin and waved his hand in front of the boy's face. "Hey kiddo! Yoohoo!" he added and whistled again and again to get the boy's attention.

"What to do? What to do?" thought Jef. Luckily he thought of a not-so-brilliant idea. The boy stared here and there, pretending he can't see the winter spirit.

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now