Chapter 18: Almost Future

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Chapter 18: Almost Future

"So Jef…" said Jack's mom and held your son's hand. "What do you think of the cake?" she added.

Jef smiled politely and responded, "It's beautiful! I think Pippa would like it." He commented with a light laugh.

"Really? I'm glad." Said the woman sweetly.

Instantaneously, Jef felt incredible pain in his chest. He doesn't know what's wrong and he knelt in the snow while fighting it. Jack's mother, who was also Jef's grandmother, panicked and rubbed the boy's back gently. Jef can see her lips moving and talking to him but can't hear a single word.

Suddenly, he saw the bright, blue sky turning white. He squinted and looked at it closer. It's the same light that chased you and him in the first place. He tried to warn his grandmother but she seemed not to notice the shining light behind her.

"What's happening?" thought the boy.

His eyes were feeling heavy and without a warning, Jef closed them shut. He can feel cold surrounding him and can't feel his grandmother's touch anymore. He wanted to open his eyes but he can't. Jef can't see anything but darkness and the bright light he saw earlier was slowly fading.

Few hours have passed and the winter spirit's son opened his eyes and exhaled deeply. He blinked a couple of times and sat up as he looked round him. It's already dark and he saw tall pine trees surrounding him.

"What's going on?" whispered Jef.

He felt giddy at first but got his balance back after. Walking his way to the forest, he noticed that everything has changed. He can see the bright lights from a distance and can hear honks of the vehicles.

"Where's (F/n)…" he thought.

Suddenly, he felt like something's following him. He looked around and can hear the bushes rustling. "That's definitely not a person…" he whispered nervously and took out his small weapon.

Jef heard a growl coming from the foliage of bushes and heard another one. He counted and guessed that there were three wild dogs coming his way right now.

"(F/n)… please help me…"

The night was calm and freezing cold but the one advantage of being a guardian was that you're not fazed by chillness of the winter. Your eyes were still wet when you opened them. You can't remember anything except for what happened to Jack, the human Jack.

You gently sat up on one elbow and touched your dizzy head. You looked up and the moon was so bright and huge, giving a light into the dark woods.

The first thing that occurred to your mind was your son. "Jef…" you whispered. You took put the golden paper that MiM gave and read through the directions again.

"1 In Jack's time you'll see the young guardian but not as a spirit but as a human… 2 Make sure that he'll drown and in the same icy lake like before as he saved his sister…. 3 Make him remember your name… 4 Melt the winter spirit's cold heart and make him trust you…" you read silently.

"The fourth part…" you murmured. "But Jef's still in the cold woods alone. I have to find him…" you said and hid the amber paper.

You took your weapons and hurriedly flew above the forest. You can see the lights of the buildings a little far from where you were.

"Wonder what year is it…" you thought and searched for your son.

Back to the winter spirit's son, Jef's figuring out how to escape from the deadly beast in front of him. The creature was getting closer and closer to him. He can see the wild dog's teeth as it fiercely growled at him. The creature's eyes were glowing like what he's seeing on the television but this time, it's for real.

"Stay back!" shouted the young boy.

Jef was trembling and didn't know what to do. He looked behind him and analyzed the tall pine tree.

"I think I can climb this one…" he whispered and glanced back at the beast. Luckily, only one showed up; but not for long.

He again heard another snarl and it's getting louder and louder. Jef brandished the dagger and moved a few steps backward from the deadly, wild dog.

He bit the handle of the weapon and started to climb the tree. He clung to the tree branch and hugged the tree trunk as he climbed farther. He looked below and saw the wild dogs barking at him. He bit the dagger's handle tighter and perched on the nearest limb and waited.

"Soon there will be packs of dogs down there… Luckily they can't climb up here…" said the boy and grinned.

You've been searching for an hour, still there's no sign for your son. You got worried and you can feel the tears coming out of your light blue eyes. Landing on your feet, you took out your weapons and gingerly searched again for Jef.

"Oh, Jef… I hope you're ok…" you thought and brandished your weapons to cut the plants blocking your way.

Suddenly, you felt someone jumped above you. You looked up and saw nothing but the cloudy, starry night sky. You continued to walk but still listened to the sounds around you. You can hear the breeze blowing, leaves rustling, a bit audible water streaming, and crickets chirping.

"Maybe just a bird…" you said and shrugged your shoulders. You to continued to search for your boy and softly shouted his name hoping he'll answer back.

After a few minutes, a bit of snowfall fell and this reminded you of Jack. You opened your hand and tried to catch the snowflakes falling.

"Jack…" you murmured sweetly and closed your eyes as you feel the breeze that hit your face. "This is tougher than I thought it would be…"

You continued to walk and searched for your son. Surprisingly, you actually heard someone chuckled. You noticed the voice of that playful laugh. You glanced around hoping to see the person who made that sound.

A powerful wind struck your face and made you squeeze your eyes shut, preventing snow to enter your light blue eyes. The wind stop after a few minutes and you gingerly opened your eyes.

"I heard him… I know I heard him.." you murmured still searching. "I know it's him… no mistake…"

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now