Chapter 42: Sleep Walking

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Chapter 42: Sleep Walking

Jack came into your room and you shot him a furious look. He raised his brows at you, acting innocent, and closed the door behind him. He walked close to you and nipped your nose with a chuckle. You shook your head and pushed him away.

"What? What did I do?" he asked with a grin.

"You tell me!" you yelled angrily while pointing at him.

"Ok, Ok!" he said with his palms up. "I talked to him. So what?" he admitted and didn't take his stare at you.

"So what?!" you yelled but managed to calm yourself. "You know what… nevermind."

"That's better." He added and smiled but it faded when you glanced at him. "Or not…" he muttered.

You sat on the chair, near the window, and rested your elbows on your knees with your chin in the palm of your hands. Jack stood beside you and leaned on his staff. You felt his eyes on you so, you turned and gazed at him. The winter spirit's pale face blushed as he looked away. You giggled and Jack cleared his throat.

"Why did you do it?" you asked.

"Did what?" he mocked and fixed his blue eyes on yours.

You rolled your eyes and breathed deeply. "What's in it for you?" you continued but he's still not responding.

"Uh… I have no idea." He murmured without looking at you. "Conscience… I guess."

"Oh?" you said in a seductive voice and stood in front of him. "Conscience?" you repeated.

Jack shrugged and didn't realize that he's leaning on the wall. He gripped his staff tighter as you moved your face closer to his. You giggled and back away and made Jack sigh in relief. You stood back in front of the window and stared at the moon.

"Ca- can I ask you something." Said Jack when he came back to reality. You grinned and nod. "What's Jef's full name?"

Your eye widened and you abruptly looked at the winter spirit. He waited but nothing came out of your lips. Your mouth was half opened and you don't know how to answer this.

"Wh- Why did you ask?" you said nervously and played with your hands.

"Something weird happened… when it was just me and Jef…" he started and sat on your bed. "I- I accidentally said his name. Full name, that is." He explained.

"You said… that you don't know where or who his parents is, right?" he continued and you turned your back to him. "There's something you're not telling me…" he whispered and stood behind you.

"Yo- you know that there are things I'm not telling you." You stammered and closed your eyes.

"Yes… but I think… this is the most important... part." He whispered in your ear. "Answer me this time… Why is his last name Frost?"

You uttered a little wince and hugged yourself when you felt the cold in your body. Jack turned you to him but you didn't open your eyes.

"We are related are we? Me and Jef…" he continued while lightly shaking you. "I felt it… I felt it when we're in that cave. Tell me… please…" he begged and you slowly opened your eyes. You stared at his shining, baby blue eyes and smiled.

His lips curled into a sweet grin and he suddenly tugged his white snowy hair. Chuckling, Jack touched your shoulders and gave you a long kiss. His eyes widened and jerked his head back.

"I- I'm sorry… I don't know why I did that." He said bashfully.

Silence fell and Jack can't look at you. You smiled and cupped his cheeks. Finally he gave you a gaze ad he pressed his lips on yours. You kissed back and gently brushed his hair with your fingertips.

"But… I- If I'm… " he said but you stopped his words and kissed him deeper. "Then… who are you?"

You put your head back and stared at him with your teary eyes. He wiped them and kissed your forehead and whispered. "I- I'm trying… believe me… It's just so hard to remember." He added.

"I know… I'm sorry… I just can't help myself." You murmured and kissed his cheeks.

Suddenly, someone knocked and you quickly put a space in between. You opened the door and saw Ashen, breathing heavily.

"It's Jef… He's gone." She whispered and you ran to his room. The window was open and a long cloth- curtains and blankets tangled together- was attached to the bed leading outside the window. You looked down and saw footprints in the snow. The other guardians came and Ashen started to explain.

"I- I was checking up on Jef and I knock at his door a few times but he didn't answer back. I entered and saw the window open. I yelled hoping he'll answer back but nothing."

"We have no time to waste. Let's search for Jef." Said North and all of you followed the man in the red suit.

"I want to come." Said Ashen and you gaze at her. You were about to talk back but then you remembered what happened between you and Jef.

"Ok… just stay close to me." You said sweetly and she nodded with a smile.

You, the big four, Jack and Ashen searched for the winter spirit's son but there's no luck. All of you followed the footprints but it was unending. Jack, Tooth and Sandy flew in different places, still there's no show of Jef.

"Wait stop."said Ashen, who was holding your hand since we left North's place. "There's a huge boulder in your way. You might stumble."she added.

This made you curious. You and Ashen were surrounded by darkness there's no way she can see that. Unless...

"I didn't tell anyone of you but… I can see through the dark." She said echoing your thoughts.

You and the little girl continued to walk, leading to the forest. You a shadow passed by and saw the winter spirit.

"Nothing." He said sadly.

Out of the gloom, a scream disturbed the silence. You carried Ashen and followed it with Jack flying beside you.

"Jef!" you shouted but all you can hear as him screaming for help. Jack saw his son lying in the snow he quickly flew to him and hugged him tightly.

"Jef… Jef… can you hear me?" said Jack, but his son suddenly opened his eyes. Jef was surprised like he had no idea what he was doing there. You knelt beside the two boys and kissed Jef's forehead.

"Where am I?" Jef asked and Jack gazed at you with worry.

"Wh- What do you mean sweetie?" you asked heartily as you brushed his hair. "I think you ran away…"

"No I didn't… I'm just in my room… sleeping." He explained, "but I have this nightmare."

You glanced at Jack and took out your weapons. Ashen ran to Jef and hugged him tightly. Jef blinked a couple of times before he hugged Ashen back.

"Don't you do that again!"shouted the girl and pushed your son.

"What? I don't even know how I got here!" shouted Jef.

"You're lying!" countered Pitch's daughter but Jef reasoned with her.

"I swear! I'm just in my room sleeping!" he added and stood up. "Snowflake?"he said and glanced at you. "What's-"

"Shush!" you interrupted and felt something evil nearby.

"We got to get out of here… NOW! It's a trap!" you shouted but it was too little to late. The next thing you knew was Nightamares surrounding you, Jack and the two kids. And in front of you was Pitch. Not just one… but two.

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now