Chapter 24: A Little Trust

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Chapter 24: A Little Trust

You got woken up by the shouts and laughs of the two boys. They've been playing snowball fight for at least three hours. You opened your eyes wide and blinked them a couple of times. You remembered what Jack did to you last night but you rather want to forget it and have a fresh start.

You got surprised when Jack's face appeared in front of you. Your cheeks were turning red when his white silvery hair touched your nose.

"Mornin snow flake!" he said cheerfully.

"Wha- snowflake?" you asked curiously and he chuckled.

"Yeah, since I don't know your name, I'll call you snowflake!" he explained and a snowball hit his head. A snowball from Jef. You giggled while the winter spirit's wiggling his messy hair and you brushed off the snow on his blue hoodie.

He smiled at you and said, "Lo- look… I'm sorry about last night… I don't know what came over me and It just made me feel-"

"Don't worry about that." You said and grinned, "It's ok."

"So… I want to start again. Hi! I'm Jack Frost!" said Jack and chuckled. You pushed his face aside as you sat up and you noticed that your son was aiming at you.

"Wha- Wait!" you yelled but he didn't listen.

"Too late!" he yelled back. Fortunately, your son missed and you hurriedly made a snowball. "Oh it's ON!

"Uh-oh…." Said Jef and started to run away from you.

Jack laughed hard while he's watching you chase after each other. Without a warning, you threw a snowball and hit the winter spirit's face. Jef was now the one laughing at his dad and when the young guardian got up he already had two snowballs in his hand.

"Who threw that!" he shouted and Jef pointed at you. "No one can throw snowballs at me! That's my job!"

You hid behind the tree when Jack threw a snowball but when you peeked he was gone. You gazed at your son but he just whistled. You looked behind you but still there's no sign of him.

"Where is he?" you murmured.

Suddenly, the young guardian shook the pine tree branches and the snow fell right on top of you. Jack gave out a loud chuckle as well as his witty son. Groaning, you maneuvered yourself out of the snow and wiggled your head to remove the snow on your hair.

"That's not fair!" you yelled madly but the two boys were still laughing at you.

"I've never been fair!" said the winter spirit while laughing.

You stomped your way towards the young guardian, who was now rolling on the ground blanketed with white snow, and gave him your furious look.

"Oh? Someone's mad…" Jack said with a mischievous smile, "Come one snowflake, it's just a game." He added.

Your cheeks turned crimson upon hearing his endearment name for you. You kept pushing him away from you whenever he tried to apologize. He brushed off the snow on your shoulder and on your hair while uttering a light laugh.

"I'm hungry!" complaint Jef and you gave him a sweet grin.

"Why don't we go ice fishing? Do you know a lake around here that has fish in them?" you asked and glimpsed at the winter spirit.

"Well I know a pond." Responded Jack. "By the way Jef, where's your jacket?"

"Oh…" he said and scratched his head, "I- I gave it to a kid… I met him in the city last night… and he's only wearing thin clothing. So I- I thought that I should give my jacket 'cause I can stand the cold." He explained shyly.

You giggled sweetly and muffled the kid with your hands and white wings. You planted a kiss on top of his head and said, "That's ok. You did the right thing."

Jef gave out a cheeky smile and all of you walked to the pond by foot. The winter spirit's son blissfully skipped ahead and kept kicking the snow.

"Hey, snowflake…." Said Jack bashfully and scratched his head, "I'm- I'm going to the city later on, I want you and Jef to come. Will that be alright?"

"Sure!" you said with a soft grin, "Uhmm… what are you going to do there?"

"I'll throw snowballs at anyone and put a heap snow atop of every car." He said and both of you laughed.

"Pond!" yelled Jef and both of you ran hurriedly to him.

You saw a frozen medium, yet thick, pond. Your so slowly looked at it without stepping on the pond and can feel the excitement inside him.

"I've never tried ice fishing before." He said and gazed at you. "Hurry you two!"

You laughed and both of you joined Jef. Glimpsing at the winter sprit's staff, Jack took it away from you and said, "It's not a fishing rod! It's my staff!"

Jef chuckled and you gave Jack an evil grin. The young guardian took a step back and hid his staff behind him as you slowly walked to him, still giving him your evil look.

"Oh come on, snowflake! There's plenty of tree branch you can use here as a fishing rod!" said the winter spirit nervously.

"But none of them has a hook like yours." You answered back. "Besides… I'm not the one who'll use it."

Jack Frost gazed at his son who was looking at the pond. The young guardian sighed deeply and said, "I'm the only one who can touch my staff. There's no wa-"

"Try to give it to him. What could go wrong?" you interrupted and tilted your head a little, begging for him to agree. "Pleaseee!" you said sweetly.

"Oh ALRIGHT!" said Jack and walked to Jef. You giggled and you watch the winter spirit made a hole in the pond.

"Are you sure?" asked Jef and glimpsed at you.

"Yeah…" you replied.

Jack handed the staff to Jef and the winter spirit's son felt relish. He gingerly touched Jack's staff and his young dad felt surprised that the kid can hold his staff.

"Wha- How could he…" he thought and looked at you with his amazing, light blue eyes.

"See?" you said and winked at him. "Told yah nothing wrong will happen." You added.

With the help of the young guardian, the two boys caught five huge fish. Jef excitedly and hurriedly made a fire using small logs and a few pieces of twigs. After an hour, the food was prepared and your son cheerfully ate the fish that he and his young dad caught.

"You want some?" asked Jef and handed you one of the fish attached to a stick.

You giggled and said, "Are you sure? Cause I think five fish is a not enough for you."

"What? You think I can finish these all by myself? I don't eat that much… I can only finish three."

You and Jack laughed and your son's pale cheeks turned crimson red. Jef took the last bite of his meal and walked away.

"Where do you think you're going?" said the winter spirit. There's a lot of wild dogs out there! Not to mention the grizzly bears!"

"Don't be ridiculous! Bears are hibernating at this time!" he shouted back. Suddenly, he heard a wolf howl from a distance and the young kid hurriedly ran behind you and hugged your waist.

"What? Go on brave little man. Walk away…" you said using your weird tone.

"On second thought… I'll just stay here." Jef said shyly and hugged you tighter.

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now