Chapter 41: Final Decision

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Chapter 41: Final Decision

"No! I say we put Pitch's daughter away from Pitch! What if this is a trap?" Bunnymund scolded but you didn't bother listening to his unhelpingideas. You can't blame him either. Ashen is the Nightmare King's daughter after all.

Everyone, including you, have been thinking for a long while what to do with Ashen. You took a glimpse outside through the window and saw the bright full moon. You lips curled into a smile as you stared at it.

"I think… we need to get Ashen to Pitch." You said sedately. "I mean… If MiM told Ashen to find his


"If it's true…" muttered the Easter Bunny.

"Seriously. What's your problem with her? Spit it out Bunny…" said the winter spirit it a rather irritated tone. "Come on… what's your problem with Ashen."

"Oh… I don't know… maybe because she's the Boogeyman's daughter, didn't you realize that? I know she's just a kid but I still have doubts about her. She's not normal, Jack… do you even know what she can do?"

Jack shot you a look with a smirk on his face. You breathed deeply an put your head down. "No…" you admitted, "I don't… but Jef trust her… that's good enough for me."

Suddenly, the moon shone as bright as ever. The place dimmed and a crystal like stand started to rouse. All of you surrounded it and waited something to happen. You gazed at the winter spirit but he too has no idea what happening.

Images started to play but you can't understand what MiM wanted to say. After a few minutes, the light faded, leaving you and the guardians troubled.

North stoke his long white beard and nodded like he understood the message. You glimpsed at the man in the red suit and finally he breathed deeply and started to explain.

"It looks like there will be a reunion." He aid with a reluctant smile.

"What!" blurted Bunnymund, "Oh great… what's happening? First, an angel and a gifted boy just appeared out of nowhere then we are really going to send Ashen to her evil, cunning dad. Did mention that Pitch can consume anyone even his own daughter?" he added and you can realize that he's thinking about everyone's safety.

"Got any ideas genius?" asked the young guardian and leaned on his staff. "We are talking about MiM here… are you really going to counter his decision?"he asked with a mischievous smile.

"That's it… we can't change MiM mind. That is his final decision. We're taking Ashen to his father." North said but there's something caught all your attentions. A squeal. You grinned and put your index finger on your lips while facing everyone. You slowly flew to the door and quickly opened it.

Jef fell on the floor on his stomach while Ashen was on top of him. He groaned and scratched his head.

"Oh… I'm sorry…" whispered Pitch's daughter.

"That's alright…" responded Jef and stood up with Ashen's help.

"You two really are sneaky huh?" you said while giving them an angry look. "What are we going to do with them, North?" you added in an evil tone to faze the kids.

Jef shrugged and pulled you hand, "We're sorry!" he begged, "We're… just curious. He explained and gazed at Ashen. "Help me here." He murmured.

"I- It's my fault…" said the girl while doing circle patterns with the tip of her toes. "I- I asked Jef-"

"No she didn't! I'm the one who-"

Everyone laughed, except for the grumpy Easter Bunny, that shut Jef's mouth. You giggled and brushed the boy's dark brown hair.

"It's OK Jef…" you said with a giggle, "She'll have to know it anyway."

"So we're taking her to Pitch?" asked Jef and you can see the happiness in his (y/e) eyes.

You put your head down and sighed deeply. Jef felt something. Something not good. You cupped his cheeks and stared fixed your eyes on him.

"Yes… but… You're not coming… It's too dangerous." You said gently trying not to hurt him.

"What? B-But I want to come!" he countered and back away. "I- I don't want to stay here and wait. I want to help."

"I know, Jef but…" you stuttered, "It's too dangerous. This is Pitch and you know what he can do."

"Listen to her, Jef…" said Jack and crouched in front of his son. "We- we're not really sure how we're going to do this and we don't want you to get hurt." He explained and smiled.

"I want to come." He insisted and gazed at you. "I want to help Ashen."

"It's OK Jef… she's right. I- I don't know my father right now… but I don't want you to get into any serious trouble." Added Ashen.

"So… you want me to sit here and what?" scolded Jef and fixed his eyes on you, "I can help please… let me-"

"No! I said you're not coming! I know you want to help and all but this is not for you, Jef." you shouted but not intentionally. You just want to protect him but he's just so like his dad. Stubborn and want everything his way. This brought back memories. The time when you're always stopping Jef and Jack to sled on a high hill but they're doing it anyway. Jef is brave and always hungry for adventure. That's why he'll do anything to experience it. But this is not fun and games anymore. This is more serious than ever.

"You think this is… for entertainment and fun? Yes I know you like adventures and dangers but this is… different! YOU ARE NOT COMING!" you added and released heavy pants.

"Why? Because I'm a kid? I'm too young to do big things? You just can't tell me what I can and cannot do! You're not my mother!" he yelled back and left. Ashen chased after Jef. You stood there frozen and shocked. Tooth flew beside you and tried to calm you down.

"I'll talk to him." Said Jack but you grabbed his wrist before he can leave.

"No…" you whispered, "Leave him…"

Everyone left, leaving you and Jack alone. You wanted to cry but you don't want to. Not in front of Jack. You buried your face in the palm of your hands and Jef's words kept repeating in your head.

"I can talk to him, really…" said the winter spirit and rubbed your back. "He can't just shout at you like that."

"He needs some time alone." You said, almost a whisper. "Let him be… he'll calm down after."

Jack didn't say anything and left. He went straight to Jef's room and saw his son sitting on the edge of his bed. Ashen saw the winter spirit and left the room. Pitch's daughter shut the door slowly and there was a long silence afterwards.

"We both know that what you did is not right." Blurted Jack but there was still no response from his son. "She's been there for you for as long as you can remember." He added. "You don't have the right to yell at her like that. She's only-"

"I know! She's only protecting me! But I don't want to be treated like a vulnerable kid!" yelled Jef cutting Jack off. "I- Is it because I'm helpless? I'm small? I'm a kid?"

"No… It's because she loves you." Said Jack and this calmed Jef down. "She knows that you can do big things… It's just… she's afraid that something bad might happen to you."

And with that he left. Jef stared turned and stared at the door. He breathed deeply and gazed at the bright, full moon.

"This is your fault… You put me in here… but why me?"

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now