Chapter 37: United

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Chapter 37: United

"We don't have to pass the yetis." Said the winter spirit's son as he put down the little girl. Jack stared at Ashen for a while and decided to put ice handcuffs around both of her wrists and ankles. Jef on the other hand, understood why.

"What do you mean we don't have to?" asked the young guardian and observed North's castle.

"There's another entrance and I'm sure only elves and maybe two or three yetis are guarding it." Continued the boy and pointed at the opening that leads to where the sleigh is.

"See that? We can go there without being seen. We just have to be careful though. It's a small cave leading to North's PARKING." He said and laughed when he said the last word.

"Wai- Ho- how did you know that? I can't even see it from here? And how come you know there's an opening there and- and… Nevermind… " stammered the winter spirit and his young son chuckled.

"Yup, you wouldn't understand even if I told you." He said and turned to Ashen.

Jef has now had second thoughts about the girl. What if Jack was right? She may be an imposter, weapon or bait of Pitch. Your son sighed deeply and gazed at Jack.

Jef's young dad felt the kid's stare and he glimpsed back at him. They talked using only eye gestures. They understood each other. No words needed.

After a few moments, Jef grabbed his dad's arm and talked privately to him.

"She's coming." Said Jef but Jack shook his head madly.

"No! Jef, she's a stranger. We don't know her." Responded Jack in a light voice. "Wh- what if she's after something? In North's palace?" he added.

"She's finding someone too." Reasoned Jef and stared at the girl.

"I'm not buying that. Besides, she'll slow us down." Scolded the winter spirit and leaned on his staff afterwards.

"What's your plan? Leave her here? She's sick. Did you forget that?" insisted the boy but Jack groaned and scratched his head furiously.

"Alright! But don't blame me if something happens." Said the young guardian.

Jef sighed deeply in relief and walked to the girl. Ashen was pretty weak. She looked the the winter spirit's son with her wet, exhausted black-gold eyes.

"Tell me the truth. Why are you here?" asked Jef.

"I- I already to- told you… I'm try-ing to find my dad." She explained and hugged herself tightly.

She can't bear the cold any longer. With only thin clothing, there's no way she can stand it. Jef carefully carried Ashen on his back and went on.

They're pretty close to the opening of the cave. Ashen lightly tapped the boy's shoulders and made him stop walking. Jack gazed at them and felt a bit nervous.

"I- I can walk…" whispered the girl but Jef shook his head.

"No, you're too weak. I still can carry you." Said your boy heartily and the little girl felt bashful.

They continued to walk and entered the cave. They all breathed deeply and the two boys smiled at each other.

"I can't believe that I've been busting this place for years and didn't find out about this stupid cave." Rasped the winter spirit and Jef uttered a light laugh.

"Jef… I really can walk now. My feet don't hurt that much." Insisted the girl and Jef looked at her with worry.

"Are you sure?" he asked thoughtfully and Ashen nodded.

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now