Chapter 34: Where Is She?

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Chapter 34: Where Is She?

The two boys have been waiting for about two days and counting. Your son was sitting under a tree with his chin rested on his kneecaps. While the young guardian was perched on the same tree, taking a look out for you.

Jef stood up and took a walk. Jack watched his own son and he tried to call to him but he's not responding. Sighing deeply, the winter spirit jumped down and flew to Jef.

"And where do you think you're going?" asked Jack while flying beside Jef.

"Walking…." he murmured and put his hands in his pockets. "When do you think she'll come back?"

"I don't know kiddo…" Jack whispered and lay down on his back, still in the air.

"Did you think that she- I don't know… left? I mean… LEFT, left." Said Jef worriedly and glanced at his young dad.

Jack gave out a smirk, thinking about what your son said. He shook his head and followed by a light chuckle.

"She wouldn't do that." He answered and his face suddenly frowned. "Right?"

Jef laughed aloud and stopped walking. "Yeah… she won't do that." He repeated.

The two boys talked to each other like they're best friends. They teased, laughed and played. This was the greatest day the winter spirit had since he went out of the lake. Resting under the tree, Jef stared at every direction.

Jack noticed that there's something bothering the kid. To make it exciting, the young guardian threw a snowball and hit the boy's face.

Groaning, Jef stood up and made one for himself. He was about to throw it when he noticed that Jack vanished.

"Fine! Go ahead and hide! I'm just going to play a music…" he said and sat back in the snow.

He took out the silver flute and stared at his name. He's still trying to see the blurred letters at the end of it. All he can see was Jef Wynter.

"What's my last name?" he thought and shook his head.

He put the mouth piece close to his lips and started to play. The slowly closed his eyes and listened to his own music. It lasted for a minute and the song stopped as well as the wind. Suddenly, he heard a rustle somewhere near him. He quickly stood up and scooted away from the place.

"Jack!" he shouted but no one answered back. "Goddamit Jack!"

Then he heard a mischievous laugh above him. He looked up and saw the young guardian pointing at him while laughing.

"You should've seen your face." Jack said and jumped down.

"What the heck are you doing! Scare me to death!" scolded Jef and punch his dad's chest.

"Yeah. If you wanna put it that way." He said and stuck his tongue out.

Out of the gloom, there was something walking towards them. They heard the rocks move the tree leaves rustling. They looked and pointed at each other.

"You're playing tricks, aren't you?!" they said but they soon realized that this was not a trick.

The winter spirit covered the boy's mouth and hid behind the bushes and trees. Jef went silent as well as the young guardian. Suddenly, they saw a long fluffy ears not far away from them.

They again looked at each other and back at the long ears. "Wait… I know who that is." Whispered Jack and squinted his eyes.

"It's the Easter Kangaroo!" he added.

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now