Chapter 8: Unexpected Visitor

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Chapter 8: Unexpected Visitor

It's the middle of the night. You're turning side to side in bed and screaming both the winter spirit's and his son's name. You're having a nightmare, the first nightmare you had since you became a guardian. It feels all too real and frightening.

Your body's fullness of sweat but the temperature is rather low. Suddenly you sat up with a horror look on your face. You glanced beside you but didn't see the young guardian. You wiped your face and stood up slowly. You opened your wings a little and closed them back. Walking to the terrace, you heard something flew above the house and saw a shadow, big shadow passed by.

You took out your weapons and slowly went out the room and to the balcony. You carefully looked up, down, left and right but saw nothing. You can only hear the wind blowing, the water streaming quietly the whole place was quiet.

You ignored what you just saw and as you walk back inside, you heard the flying sound again. This time, you're sure there something out there, watching you. You opened your wings wide and flew up trying not to let your guard down.

Instantaneously, you heard a loud rough landing not far from where you were and followed it. Landing on your feet you lurch at different direction while pointing your weapons making sure no one will attack you.

Then you saw something moving slowly from a distance and you mindfully hid behind the trees as you walk closer to the thing you saw. It's big, blue and has butterfly wings. It's badly hurt and you looked around trying to find someone else but no one came.

You hurriedly ran to it and touched his head gently and slowly trying to comfort it and to ease the pain the butterfly's feeling. Its other wing was broken and it can barely open his beautiful eyes. You noticed that it's trying to tell you something but you couldn't understand it.

"Why are you here alone? Where's MiM?" you asked with your voice like silk and kissed its head. You noticed something attached around its neck and you took it slowly. It's a bottle, and inside it lies a rolled golden paper and around it were two thin amber bracelet.

You looked at the creature and you kind of understand that you need to open and read it. And you did. You looked at it and read it slowly. Your eyes widened with horror as you went further.

"No, no, no…" you whispered. "Why me?" you thought.

You stared at the bracelet and abruptly put it on. You gazed at the creature and tried to heal it but she's telling you something and you just obeyed even though you don't fully understand its message. You flew as fast as you can and went to the orphanage. But when you arrived, Jef's already gone and you have no slightest idea where he is.

Panicking you flew around the town and looked behind you. The buildings, streets and houses are swallowed by a white thing, like it's been erased. You flew faster and yelled the boy's name. Suddenly you heard someone responded. A voice that you're very familiar with. You followed the sound and saw the winter spirit's son in tears and so fortunate to see you.

"(F/n)!" cried the boy and waved madly for you to notice him. You swooped down and hurriedly put the bracelet on.

"What's going on?" said Jef in a panicking tone.

"I'll explain later. But now, I need you to stay strong ok?" you said thoughtfully and touched the boy's face.

"Where's Jack?" asked the boy when he noticed that the winter spirit was not with you.

It took you a few minutes to answer and when you looked far away, you realized it's a matter of time when the white thing catches with the both of you. Cornered, you have really no choice but to stay put and wish yourself good luck.

"Where's Jack?" asked the boy again.

You noticed that his voice was shaking and his whole body trembling. You knelt down and hugged the boy warmly and tightly. He hugged back but still want the answer to his simple question.

"Where's Jack?" whispered the boy and cried quietly.

"Don't worry, he's safe… for now. We'll see him soon." You said simply and surprisingly you sounded calm and steady that gave the winter spirit son faith and bravery.

"We'll see him… but he won't remember us…" you thought.

You told the boy to close his eyes and he obeyed. The white thing is just a few steps away and, you too, closed your eyes and hugged the boy tighter.

You saw the light flashing in your eyes even though they're closed. You can't hear anything, just silence. Luckily you can still feel the young boy's body, cold and shaking.

You peeked slowly and realized that both of you were at the same place just minutes ago but a little different than you remember. It's still winter but the place's old fashioned and the people were wearing old style clothes.

They're all staring at the young boy, wearing different clothes unlike the other kids were wearing, kneeling on the ground and hugging something but there's nothing there.

"Jef, Jef…" you whispered, "You need to act natural. Remember they can't see me." You added.

The boy looked around slowly and noticed that he's somewhere… well, old. He glanced at the people who's looking back at him with their confused eyes, maybe wondering where he get his clothes and nike rubber shoes.

"Where are we?" asked Jef and wiped his eyes and face.

"Your hometown… only…" you said and can't really explain to the boy what's happening.

"Wait… I saw this place before…" whispered the winter spirit's son and gazed at you. "I think… We were in a… book? What?"

Perplexed, Jef scratched his head with a smirk on his face reminding you of Jack Frost. You giggled and kissed the boy's forehead and said, "No silly." You said with a grin, "We're in the past… Early colonial times."

Jed Wynter Frost dropped his jaw and stared at you crazily. You gave a little laugh and smile but inside you, you feel nervous about the winter spirit.

"Pa- past? Ear- early colo- colonial times?" Jef stammered.

"Yup!" you said cheerfully and stood up. "Maybe you saw this place in your history book." You added wiped the snow out of your knees and put your hands on your hips.

"Hi- history bo- book?" said the winter spirit's son, still taking it all in. You giggled and rubbed the boy's brown hair but he's still in shock. Who wouldn't be?

You're a twelve year old kid living in a modern world filled with computers, cellphones, cars and other stuffs. And in just a heartbeat, you're now in the past and seeing people wearing old clothes, riding old cars, kids playing only with wooden toys and eating traditional food.

"I… I don't like this…" whispered the boy.

You gazed at him with your brow raised and crouched to his level, "Why not? Are you not happy being able to see the past?" you said to comfort him.

"I- I do… it's just… I'll…" stammered the young boy and looked down, "I'll miss… I'LL MISS MY CAR COLLECTION BACK HOME!" he yelled.

You laughed out loud and rolled on the ground still giggling madly. The young boy crossed his arms and started to walk away. You noticed that Jef's gone and you slowly stood up still laughing lightly. You caught up to the boy and put your arm around his shoulders and said, "You know where you're going kiddo?" you mocked.

The boy's pale skin turned red and he stopped walking. "No…" he said bashfully.

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now