Chapter 7 :First Fight

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Chapter 7 :First Fight

You and Jack left the orphanage and instead of flying, both of you walked to the magic portal leading to the South pole. And when while taking errands, silence fell upon for a while now and the cold, calm wind blowing was the only sound you're hearing,

"So… Jef said that huh…" you whispered and Jack nodded. The young guardian told you what happened earlier and what his son found out.

"I didn't know that he still, remembers that." You added.

You didn't expect Jef to remember such a memory in such a young age. As far as you can remember, he was a few months old when you and Jack made the young boy's blue basket. Suddenly, without noticing the ice on the road, you slipped and fortunately Jack Frost was there to catch you.

"Woah!" said Jack and laughed. "Watch your step." He added and kissed your forehead before he stood you up.

Your cheeks turned red and gave him a smile. You've been together for a hundred years and counting but you're still feeling butterflies in your stomach every time something sweet happens between you and the winter spirit.

"Are you ok?" asked Jack with a light laugh.

"I… I'm just thinking about something…" you said with a grin and continued walking with him.

"Hmm… Is that about Jef again?" said Jack and rested his staff on his shoulders while holding it.

"Ye- yes… I'm worried for him Jack…"

Jack stopped and gave you a quick kiss on the lips and made your worries disappear, for now. You giggled and made you smile for a few seconds but the problem about Jef quickly came back in your head. You stared at the ground and took a few minutes to answer back to the young guardian.

"I don't… want to do this anymore…" you whispered and sighed deeply. The winter spirit stopped and stared at your gloomy face and said, "Wha- what do you mean?"

"I MEAN… I want Jef… to know who we are and who he is." You said seriously and glanced at him. "I can't visit him anymore without him knowing who we really are." You added.

The winter spirit listened but didn't respond. You knew that your idea was preposterous. You wanted this but now you now regret it. The boy has no friends and he thinks that his parents left him. And the worst part is he thinks that you and Jack are ONLY his friends.

"At least… he thinks us as his parents, (F/n)." said Jack that broke the silence that spread awhile ago.

"And you're ok with that?" you asked in a rather irritated tone and added, "You're ok that he thinks that we're PRETENDING to be his parents?"

The winter spirit didn't respond and you kept shooting him with your furious look. He didn't bother glancing at you because he knew that you're already mad, dreadfully mad at him. You uttered a deep sigh and continued staring at the ground, still walking.

"It's the condition remember?" said the winter spirit. "It's better for Jef not-"

"Not knowing his parents?" you madly interrupted.

"Not exactly." Murmured the young guardian, "It's better for Jef not to know about us. He will be safe that way. We are both doing what's best for him." Responded the young guardian and lifted your head up to him and added, "We're protecting him from Pitch and the other dangers that might come for him if the Nightmare King knew that he's not an ordinary boy. You know that don't you?"

"Safe, protecting?" you said as you stopped and stared at the winter spirit with your furious blue eyes. "We're hurting him Jack! Don't you see that? We are not protecting him! The kids are teasing him, we're not 24/7 there for him, he has vivid memories about his past, he doesn't even know that he's the winter spirit's son! All he knows is that we left him in that little crib of his, abandoned and unwanted!"

"Stop…" muttered Jack but you're not listening to him and continued blurting out what your son's feeling for seven long years.

"When am I going to hear him say hey mom instead of saying my own name?" you added but now, your voice calmed down and felt sorry for yourself. "We may be guardians but…" your soft eyes turned cold and angry as you finished your sentence, "We're the worst parents!"

Jack took a step back away from you and lost his patience. He tried to reason with you but you just won't listen.

"You want to quarrel? I'll give you one." Murmured Jack and yelled, "You wanted this right?! I warned you (F/n), I warned you!"

Your eyes widened as you listened to the winter spirit. You never heard him yell at you like that but you noticed that he said "You wanted" instead of saying "We" that made you rather mad thinking the blame was on you, and only you.

"I asked you several times if you're sure about having a son but not knowing who we are to him. You agreed and didn't care about what he will think or feel about us as long as he's there! And now you're telling me that you cannot bear it! Well tell you what, I didn't want this!" blurted Jack Frost.

You can feel tears coming from your eyes but you stopped it from flowing down your cheeks and talked back, "So, you didn't want this, huh…" you begun.

"All this time… you don't want to have a kid. You don't want Jef in the first place!" You yelled and walked closer to the winter spirit.

That statement hit the winter spirit like a slap on his face. He can't control his anger anymore and he stabbed his staff on the ground making the place colder than before using his strong, frigid wind. You closed your eyes and hugged yourself firmly when the wind struck your body.

It's not just the wind that you felt, also the anger of Jack. You don't have the audacity to look straight at him. You just stood there, frozen and unable to move. The winter spirit grasped his staff tightly as he stared at you angrily.

"I love both you and Jef…" thought the young guardian but said the opposite.

"Yes… I want nothing to do with him!" yelled Jack, "I agreed to have a kid because of you. I want you to be happy! But what are you doing to me right now?!" he added. "You wanted this and I don't! You figure this one out yourself!"

Jack Frost left you alone on that dark street while you sob quietly. He wanted to go back and give you a hug to calm you down but he fought it. Maybe he's shy or somewhat hurt about what you said about not caring for his son.

You went back home alone but didn't see the winter spirit around. You mounted the stairs to the room and opened the door cautiously hoping the young guardian was there, sleeping. And you want to say sorry but unfortunately, he's nowhere to be seen.

You quietly went to bed and buried your face in the palm of your hands and cried yourself to sleep. You didn't know that the winter spirit was there, just outside, watching you while crying for hours. His heart melted and his eyes just can't take seeing you like this.

Suddenly, Northern lights lit up the dark sky and Jack knows that there's trouble. He looked up and glanced back at you. He didn't bother waking you up and decided to go to North's alone. But before leaving he went inside carefully not to disturb your deep sleep and gave you a quick kiss on the lips.

"You should know that I do care… I care for you and Jef… Sleep tight baby angel… I'll be back" he said softly and planted a kiss above your head, "I love you so so much…"

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now