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taylor swifts pov

  december 31, 2023

     i look in the mirror at myself as i lift my shirt up. joe always made me feel bad about my body. he was always making comments on how i should watch what i eat, claiming that the headlines would go crazy. i hated always sneaking around, he made me feel like he was embarrassed to be with me. i continue to straighten my long blonde hair and think about all of the horrible decisions i've made in the past six years of my life. joe hated my curls, as do i. so i am not straightening them for him, but for myself.

    i got dressed in a short, silk, black dress, with some lace at the back.  matched with a pair of black strappy heels. i could never wear heels with joe because it made me taller than him, and he hated that. hopefully i can find a man whose height is bigger than his ego.

    i pulled in the driveway of blake and ryan's new york city penthouse. blake greets me at the door and i make my way to the drinks. "taylor, the alcohol isn't going anywhere." blake says sarcastically. "you don't understand how much i need this right now." i reply as i pour myself a glass of my usual white wine. 

    "do you think you'll be starting twenty-twenty-four with a new year's kiss?" blake pushes my shoulder. "fuck no, wait you didn't invite.. joe right?" i made sure to whisper his name. "taylor, why would i do that?" she laughs. "i don't know maybe you secretly hate me?" i laugh too. we talked for a while until gigi hadid, one of my best friends, dragged me out to the dance floor.

   i am in no mood for dancing but i do it anyway. a slow song comes on and every couple comes together. i feel so alone in a room full of lovers. i back myself away until i trip and fall backwards right into someone. i'm expecting to fall straight to the ground, yet i am met with big muscular arms holding me tight. "i am so sorry." i quickly stand up. "you're all good, beautiful." my cheeks turn red. he is the only other person in the room not slow dancing. we both look around for a moment. "shall we dance?" he asks and puts his hand out. i accept and we begin the dance. suddenly i no longer feel out of place. this man whom i don't even know the name of is making me feel so safe. i laid my head down on his chest and smiled. "you're a wonderful dancer." he reassures me. "really? i always thought i was terrible." i giggled. we danced the rest of the song and the next few too.

     he grabbed my hand and brought me to the living room and we sat down on the couch. "so what is your name, handsome?" i laugh. "i'm travis kelce, i play for the kansas city chiefs. and i already know who you are." he returns my laugh. "i am not a huge fan of football." i say sarcastically. "well we're gonna have to change that."  butterflies filled my stomach. we talked the rest of the evening and exchanged numbers. i have a really good feeling about him. something about the first time we looked at each other, i felt like my heart was skipping along a lake. 

     when i arrived home i immediately texted him.

taylor: hey, u awake?

travis: hey beautiful, whats up

taylor: i just got home just bored, how long are u in new york for?

travis: two more days

taylor: this is really soon but, i would like to see u again, what about tomorrow?

travis: that's great, see you tomorrow beautiful.


authors note

hey guys! i know this is a bit of a short beginning but i wanted to know how you guys liked the story so far. this is my first time writing a fanfic about real people so sorry if it's not good. also do we want smut? if we do it's going to be very mild because taylor is a real person and i don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. anyways, more chapters are coming soon i hope you enjoy!!


claim ur track below, im claiming So Long, London.

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