forever & always

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travis kelce's pov

while in a meeting i twiddle the gold beaded bracelet on my wrist. my quarterback patrick taps me on the shoulder, clearly he noticed i wasn't paying attention. i quickly look up, a bit startled by his touch,

   "are you good? you've been playing with that bracelet the entire meeting." he leans over and whispers.

   "i, uh, yeah im fine. i just need to go home." i admit and lean backwards in my chair, still clutching the bracelet. i was lying though. i haven't seen taylor or gracelyn in almost a week. i've had back to back games, meetings, and practices. and she's in new york recording songs.

   the meeting soon ended and i returned to my empty house. well not empty, the cats greeted me at the front door. i tried to facetime her but she didn't answer. i've been in a slump all week and i've been playing like shit. my coaches and fellow players have noticed too.

    i decided to take a nap and wait because taylor would be home soon. it's so hard watching the empty spot in the bed where she usually lays.

   "trav!! we're home!" i heard the front door unlock and taylor come in with her immense amount of luggage. i got up and walked to the door to help her. "i missed you beautiful." i hugged her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

   "we're invited to blake and ryan's new year's party tomorrow." she poured a glass of white wine.

   "we met exactly one year ago tomorrow." i smiled and took at seat at the kitchen island.

   "honestly, worst night of my life." she smiled sarcastically. i chuckled and her cheeks turned pink. "what are you smiling at?" i laughed again.

"i just love you." she placed a kiss on the top of my head and went over to unbuckle gracie. she brought gracie into the bedroom and set her down to go to sleep. soon after, i helped her unpack and we went to bed too.

taylor swift's pov

i spun around in the mirror when i finally chose a dress. it was a gorgeous silk navy blue dress that i paired with a white fur coat. gracie laid in her bassinet and laughed. "doesn't mommy look so pretty gracie girl?" travis came in. "thank you handsome." i grabbed my heels.

"the nanny will be here in about 10 minutes, are you ready to go?" he picked gracie up and she reached for the buttons on his shirt. i nodded and touched up my red lipstick.

i fed gracie right before we left because she's still not a fan of bottles.

we arrived at the party and travis helped me out of the car. we went inside and i said hello to some of my friends. travis trailed behind me for the most part as he doesn't really know anyone other than blake and ryan. it's still a bit wild for him to be at a party with famous people but he somehow made it last year.

i came across some of my not so close friends and i feel like every conversation revolved around the baby. i love her more than anything but, she shouldn't be the only thing i talk about. im here tonight as a break and the attention is still on gracelyn.

i made my way to the drink table. "you want something trav?" i asked as i poured a glass of my usual white wine. "i'll take one i guess. but baby i really don't want you drinking a ton tonight." i handed him his glass and rolled my eyes. listen, i know how i get when im drunk but i know how to control myself. "you don't need to control me." i walked away to find someone to dance with.

later on while i was dancing with blake, travis came over to me. i was still a bit irritated at him so i ignored him the best i could. "how many have you had?" he yells over the loud music and points the drink in my hand. it was probably my fourth. i just shrugged and continued dancing. he knew i was already drunk and it was just going to get worse from there.

the dj started playing the slow songs and i looked around for travis. i found him sitting in a corner scrolling through his phone. "baby dance with me!" i giggled and took his arm. he reluctantly got up and began slowly dancing. i could tell he wasn't in a good mood but i kept trying to cheer him up. "taylor please do not get another drink, you're going to feel like shit tomorrow." i rolled my eyes but i knew he was right.

eventually i let him go sit back down because he clearly just wanted to leave. i continued dancing until a strange man came up behind me and slightly grabbed my ass. "damn!" he yelled. i turned around so quick. everything was blurry. i didn't know who he was. i quickly left the dance floor and looked around for travis. mascara was streaming down my face. i stumbled and eventually found the corner where travis was. i couldn't see him clearly but he took my hand and helped me walk.
"thank you for tonight, see you guys soon." i assumed he was talking to blake and ryan. he opened the door and i felt the cold breeze. "travis, im sorry." i rested my head on his shoulder and just sobbed.

we made it home and thankfully gracie was asleep. my headache started to kick in and i crashed on the couch.

    the next morning i woke up to a screaming baby and a pounding headache. i managed to get up off the couch and went to grab gracie. travis wasn't in bed and i got irritated that he just left her to cry. i found him in the bathroom getting ready for the day.

    "so you are just going to let her cry?" i stood in the doorway while comforting the sobbing baby in my arms. "baby, she's never going to learn if you just pick her up every time she cries." he rubbed gracie's head. i just rolled my eyes. "she's 6 months old what is she supposed to be learning? travis she can't take care of herself." i just walked away before i could hear his response.

   i set gracie down in her high chair and began preparing her breakfast. she's getting so big and its a lot to take in. it feels like just yesterday i found out i was pregnant. every time i see her grow, i think about taking travis up on his offer on having another one.

    when breakfast was ready, i sat at the island with gracie and fed her. "someone is hungry today!" she smiled big and giggled.

   as i was cleaning her up, travis made his way to the kitchen. "tay we need to talk." he took a seat next to me and our eyes met. i knew what he wanted to talk about, and i wasn't thrilled. "what's up?" i shifted my attention to gracie. he softly touched my shoulder and turned me around. "what happened last night?" his facial expression changed to worry.

    "do we really have to do this right now?" i tried to change the subject. "yes taylor. tell me what happened please." he pleaded. "fine. uhm, i was dancing with my friends and uhm, a man.." tears started to form and i could barely get the words out. "a man grabbed my ass okay!" i finally said. i felt like a weight was lifted off me.

    "baby, why didn't you tell me last night? you know i would've dealt with it." he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. "i know. but i didn't want to make it a big deal. i really am fine, it just upset me in the moment."


    i was cuddled up on the couch with the cats when i heard gracie babbling something behind me. i sat up and saw travis holding her. they were both dressed and i was confused. "tay, doctors appointment remember?" i quickly got up off the couch and bolted to the bedroom to get dressed.

    i quickly came out and we all sprinted out the door.

   on the way there i stared at gracie in her car seat. "can you believe she will be a year old soon?" i looked down at my stomach and traced the stretch marks with my fingers. i couldn't help but miss the bump. "she's growing up fast." he said and placed his hand on top of mine resting on my stomach.

    we arrived at the doctor and checked in. gracie didn't like the doctor much and fussed the whole time. my first concern when we got there was that gracie wasn't the appropriate weight for a sixth month old. we knew she was going to be tiny but she's about the weight of a three month old. they said it's not a big problem though, but we just need to feed her more times a day.

    they also said her heart is looking a bit abnormal and that worried me. but they said she will be okay and if she starts acting differently then to bring her in.

   when we got home i scrolled through my phone and looked at photos of my bump and her newborn photos. i couldn't stop staring at my belly that felt to empty...

authors note:

  are we all thinking the same thing??

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