your biggest cheerleader

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travis kelce's pov

i'm sitting in the locker room at arrowhead stadium pacing back and forth. this game tells us if we make it to the playoffs. i'm sweating like crazy and all my teammates can see it too. "dude, what's your deal?" my best friend patrick mahomes asks. "i don't know, i'm just really nervous about the game." i say as i wipe sweat off my forehead. "are you sure it's that? or because someone special is here?" he smiles. i push his shoulder and smile back.
   "i'm just scared okay. what if i play bad?" my smile fades. "dude, you are the best tight-end in the nfl, you'll be fine." he calms me down a bit. the game is starting in about 5 minutes and i begin to stretch a bit.
   i hear the crowd go crazy and i look at the tv in the locker room and see my girl on the screen. she looks so beautiful. i have no idea what she was worried about, it seems like everyone is happy she's here.
    "let's go! play good today kelce!" my coach yells as we here our queue to go out to the field.
    we're playing the bengals today, and they are pretty good. my only goal today is to win. taylor offered to stay at a hotel last night so i could keep my mind on the game but i couldn't do that to her. it probably would've been a good idea because right now she's all i can think about.
    we start off with the ball and the timer starts. i run left and mahomes throws me the ball and i catch it. there's three bengals players behind me but i'm pretty fast. i almost tripped but i made it into the end-zone and scored. "TOUCHDOWN KELCE!" the announcer says. the stadium goes crazy and my teammates pile on top of me. taylor comes up on the screen again and she and brittany mahomes, patrick's wife. are jumping up and down. i can't help but smile. pat helps me up as we're about to start again.
     the rest of the game went so well and we won 25-17. after the game i went straight to the showers. pat comes in next to me. "damn man, you played so well." he says as he turned the shower on. "i haven't scored a touchdown in 6 games, i didn't think i could do it honestly." i reply.
    i changed into jeans and a collared shirt and met taylor outside the locker room. she greeted me with a big hug. "you played so well." she kissed me on the cheek. i took her hand and we walked down the hallway. there were cameras everywhere. we made it to the golf cart that drove us to the private parking lot. "i think i'm going to need to learn what happens in football. i just cheered whenever everyone else did, and when you got a touchdown of course." she laughed as i opened the passenger door. "does that mean you're coming to more games?" i ask. "of course i am, it was surprisingly a lot of fun." she replied.
   the rest of the car ride i explained what being in the playoffs meant and how we could possibly go to the super bowl. we arrived at my house. we decided to just come here instead of a restaurant because i don't think i can deal with any more cameras for the night.
    we fell asleep after eating takeout curled up on the couch. i stroked her beautiful blonde hair as i drifted off to sleep.

  taylor swift's pov

    i woke up to a big slobbery dog on top of me. i tried to get off the couch without waking travis but it was hard because he was holding me so tight. i slightly pushed the large dog off of me and slid out the grip of travis's arms around my waist. if you couldn't already tell, i'm not a fan of dogs. it was early and the sun was just rising. i took some pictures of the purple-pink sky and posted them to my private instagram and tagged travis. only my close friends and family know about that account, i also like to stalk my fans there. 

      i went into the fridge and looked around for something to make for breakfast. why does this man only have protein shakes and vegetables  in his refrigerator? after some digging i found eggs and quietly turned on the stove. i decided i would surprise him with some breakfast after winning his game. i seriously need to learn some things about football. i had no idea what was going on. 

    the eggs were just about ready when i heard travis wake up from his deep sleep. i see his dog, willa, licking his face. "willa get down!" he groans. i bring the plates over to the kitchen island and he smells the eggs. "breakfast is served mr. kelce." i laugh. "aw taylor." he stretches. we ate breakfast together and talked for a while. 

    "wanna go out tonight?" i ask as i put my plate in the sink. "i would love to, where are we going?" he replies. "well blake and ryan are in town and they invited us to this bar. i desperately need a drink." i laugh.  "you know i would've got you whatever you wanted even if it was the middle of the night." he steps closer. "i know, i just hate to be a bother. this is all new and i don't want to mess it up." i admit to him. in relationships, once i start getting comfortable, i get scared that i'll get a little too comfortable and start moving too fast. what travis and i have is special, three weeks ago i didn't know who he was and now i'm staying at his house when i'm not busy with work, we practically live together. i step closer, filling the gap between us. though i'm very tall, i still have to look up to make eye contact with him. "taylor, i have never bonded with someone this fast before. we just met yet it feels like i've known you my whole life. personally, i think things are moving at a steady pace but if you want to slow down i completely understand." he hugs me tightly. i rest my head on his shoulder and start to cry. "please don't leave me travis." i cry harder into his chest and he holds me tighter. "i won't, beautiful, i promise." 

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