daddy's cheerleader

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travis kelce's pov

today is the opening day game. i'm super pumped, i haven't played in forever. taylor is risking it and bringing gracie. i don't know if it's a great idea but she doesn't want to leave her home and she doesn't want to miss my game. i told her it's completely fine if she misses it but she insisted. but i'm still excited to see both of my girls in the stands cheering me on.
"baby i gotta go!" i yelled from the kitchen. "hold on, she's eating i'll be there in a minute!" she yelled back and came running while holding gracie. "bye trav i love you. see you later." she placed a kiss on my lips. "bye tay, bye gracie!" i gave each of them a kiss and then left.

i quickly arrived at the stadium and began warming up. i couldn't help but worry about gracie though, there's going to be tons of cameras on her. but i know taylor will handle it.
soon the game was starting and i looked up to see taylor on the big screen holding gracie. she was wearing a tiny red onesie that had 87 on the back. the crowd went absolutely crazy. my teammates were all hyping me up.

the game ended and we won! i played really well today and i should be getting a raise soon. after the game i met taylor and gracie. "hey girls!" i ran over to her. "you were amazing today." she kissed my cheek. we walked to the car together and taylor buckled gracie up. "do you think she will be okay alone back there?" she asked and bit her nails. i've noticed she does that when she's nervous. "it's only a ten minute drive, she's going to be okay i promise." i assured her and gave her a quick hug. she eventually calmed down and got in the car.
   when we got home, taylor put the baby to sleep and then sat on the couch to scroll through her phone. i cuddled up next to her. "baby?" she set her phone down and we locked eyes. "yes?" i took both of her hands. "how about, tomorrow night, i take you out to a nice dinner?"
"what about gracie?" she took her hands back and began biting her nails. "tay, i know you don't want to leave her. but the nanny will be with her the whole time. we haven't been out in such a long time, i need you to myself for a few hours." i grabbed her tightly. she laid down on my chest. "fine." she ran her fingers through my hair and i rubbed her back. i've been letting my hair grow out and i think she likes it.
"you know, the baby is asleep.." she said and we locked eyes again. her lips crashed into mine.

"t-trav!" she yelled. i quickly covered her mouth to stop her from yelling. i felt her face giggling in my hand. we tried to continue but soon the baby started crying. we got dressed and she ran to get the baby. she fed her and eventually she went back to sleep. taylor and i were both so tired and eventually we fell asleep too.

taylor swift's pov

i woke up to travis clutching me very tight. i carefully picked up his arm and tried to get out of bed without waking him. "mmm. taylor." he whispered in a raspy voice, still half asleep. i kissed his forehead and tip toed out of the bedroom. thankfully gracie was still asleep and i could drink my coffee in peace.
i sat on the couch with my coffee and turned on the news. "popstar taylor swift brings her newborn daughter to chiefs game days before her tour kicks off." i quickly switched the channel. i can't stand it. i can't go anywhere and just enjoy my day and support my boyfriend without cameras in my face. thankfully gracie isn't too bothered by them. i think when people see me with a baby they are a bit more respectful.
i finished my coffee and was washing it in the sink when i felt travis behind me. "shit you scared me." i laughed and turned around. "sorry baby." he kissed my neck. "here let me take her." i reached my arms out for gracie. "it's okay, i got her. today is your day." he cupped my cheek and kissed me. i got butterflies.
travis sat down on the couch and i cuddled up next to him. he held gracie in one hand and rubbed my head with the other. "im so excited for tonight." i smiled. gracie started to fuss and i knew she was hungry. she quickly latched on. i'm so glad she's a good eater.

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