it's a miracle

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taylor swift's pov

the bright sun was peaking through the curtains and travis was snoring loudly. i sighed and pulled the covers off of me. on my way to the bathroom i heard gracie babbling in her room.

"good morning sweet girl." i say as i open the door to her room. "mama!" she giggles and shows me her big smile. i picked her up and brought her to my room. i turned the tv on and sat her in my bed next to travis. she giggled at his snores.

when i was using the bathroom i got the sudden urge to take a pregnancy test. i hadn't taken one in over two months. but my period was two days late so i thought there might be a chance. i didn't get my hopes up though.

i sat on the edge of the bathtub as i waited for the result. my heart was pounding and i felt nauseous at the thought of it being negative again. my phones timer went off and i built up the courage to flip the test over.

"holy shit! travis!" i yelled. i heard him groan from the bedroom and the bed creak as he got up. i was laughing and twirling around the bathroom like a little kid. "what's up baby?" he stood in the doorway and yawned. i handed him the test. he saw the faint second pink line and his jaw practically dropped. "are you?" he smiled.

i wrapped my arms around him and he twirled me around. "i can't believe it." he chuckled. gracie came waddling down the hallway and peaked her tiny head in the bathroom. "mama?" she looked at me with her big blue eyes.

"sweet girl, you're going to be a big sister!" i picked her up and giggled. she had no idea what we were talking about but she smiled anyway.

i decided to call my mom because i wanted her to be the first to know. "hey mom, i have some news." i said as she answered the phone.

"mom im pregnant!" i couldn't hold back my big smile. "honey that's great! but what about the tour?" my smile faded. i really didn't want to talk about work right now. "i'm going to perform as long as i can. there's only 6 months left and ill be fine." i rolled my eyes as she continued to ramble on about how this is going to take a toll on my career, again.

i called my obgyn and scheduled my first appointment. she was over the moon that it finally happened for us.

"tay, how about in celebration, you let me take you out tonight?" travis came and sat next to me on the couch. "that would be perfect." i cupped his cheek and placed a kiss on his lips. we took in our hour of silence while gracelyn slept.


     jason and kylie were in town so they offered to babysit tonight. our nanny is great but gracie loves hanging out with her cousins.

    we arrived at their house and wyatt came running outside while kylie stood in the doorway with bennett on her hip. "uncle travvy!" she giggled and ran straight for him. i was a little hurt that a four year old didn't run to me but i'll get over it.

     we said goodbye to gracie but not without a meltdown. usually she's okay with us leaving but today she was adamant that she comes with us. but i know she'll be fine because she loves playing with her cousins. wyatt is so happy she's finally old enough to play.

    i haven't told anyone other than travis and my mom about the baby, i don't really know how.

     we soon pulled up to this gorgeous italian restaurant. travis helped me out of the car as paparazzi swarmed us. my security led us into the restaurant which was even more beautiful inside.

     our food arrived at our table, we both ordered the same thing because i hate being difficult at restaurants. thankfully travis and i are a lot alike when it comes to food. i'm a bit healthier i'll add, but still similar.

      "i really missed our one on one time." i rested my elbow on the table and tilted my head to look at him. he was growing his hair out and i really like it. "me too baby. but i love our little girl too. and our soon to be boy or girl." he smiled and gestured to my stomach.

    "i don't know exactly how i'm going to tell everyone yet. i hate making everything about me. and i know i'm going to be asked a million questions." i sigh.

     "you don't have to tell anyone until you are ready. take this at your own pace." he smiled and placed his hand on mine. i couldn't help but blush. we intertwined fingers and just kinda stared at each other for a moment. "i really like your hair like that." i broke the silence.

     "really? i was thinking of getting it cut soon." he ran his fingers through his brunette hair. "no don't. it's hot." i blushed again and rubbed my leg against his under the table.

travis kelce's pov

     the dinner was wonderful but i couldn't wait to go to bed. i have a game tomorrow and im actually pretty pumped. taylor and gracelyn are coming which doesn't happen often, she's been super busy with her tour.

     i started the car as taylor buckled gracie in her car seat. "did you have a good time with uncle jason and auntie kylie?" she said in a baby voice. gracie just giggled back at her. she isn't great with words other than mama or dada, but the doctor said she's probably just a late bloomer. i'm not worried, taylor kind of is though. if you haven't noticed, she tends to worry a lot.

authors note:

i'm blessing you with happiness again!! be grateful because it's ending soon...🤷‍♀️

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