the gala

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taylor swift's pov

    "taylor you look beautiful!" tree says as she zips up my dress. "ugh no i don't, i look giant." i turn to the side in the mirror. i chose a long black bedazzled dress for this gala because black is supposed to make you look slim. i don't think it's working though.
    "trav come on we're leaving!" i yell across the house. eventually he runs into the kitchen and we get in the car.
    on the way there im really nervous. i haven't been out to a big event since i got pregnant. my leg was bouncing up and down and travis put his hand on my thigh. i put mine on top and gave him a short kiss. "have i ever told you how beautiful you are?" he tucked my hair behind my ear. i smiled so big.
    we soon arrived at the gala and there were so many people. as soon as we got out of the car we were swarmed with cameras. tree, my security, and travis tried to cover me up as much as possible. it's not that i don't want to be seen but i just want to wait till the runway.
   eventually we made it inside and i looked for my friends. sabrina came running over to me. "hi taylor!!" she gave me a big hug. we talked and eventually found our seats.
    travis and i walked the red carpet together and took some good pictures. this was his first real red carpet and he did a great job. he loves the attention.
    we got some food and went back to our seats. i was just talking to travis until i feel a set of eyes behind me. i slowly turned around to see... joe? "hello taylor, and travis." he said in his stupid accent. god why is this happening to me? can i ever enjoy my night? the one time im not violently puking and he's making me feel like i have to. i don't want to be anywhere near him.
    "hello tree. how rude of me to not say hello!" tree gave me a disgusted look. we were all thinking the same thing. i grabbed travis's hand and whispered to him. "i will handle this, stay here." travis looked worried but i knew what i needed to do. he has no right coming anywhere near me. after how things ended,  i don't even want him in the same room as me.
   i stood up and grabbed joe's arm. i pulled him into an empty room and slammed the door. "what the fuck are you doing here?" i yelled.
   "i was invited, i have every right to be here taylor." he said in a calm voice.
   "god! don't say my name. i have left you in the past and you just come up to me saying hello? have you forgot how things ended? i want nothing to do with you!" i yelled so loud i think everyone could hear me. my hormones got the best of me and i started crying. i don't know why but lately i haven't been able to control it.
    "taylor, don't cry." he touched my arm. "oh my god! don't fucking touch me!" i slapped his arm off of me and stormed out. i wiped my face and eventually made it back to the table.
    travis saw me coming and immediately ran over. "i want to leave." i cried into his shoulder. he rubbed my back while tree gathered our things.
    we got in the car and i just couldn't stop. i don't know why im crying but the emotions just get the best of me sometimes. the whole car ride i just sobbed into his chest.
travis kelce's pov

   taylor has not come out of the bedroom all day. i slept on the couch last night because she's been super moody. the gala really shook her up but i thought she would be over it by now. lately her emotions have be up and down but she's been on shut down mode since yesterday. i tried to knock on the door but she just screamed at me. today she was supposed to go record some songs for reputation (taylor's version) but i had to call and cancel because she's not feeling it. i decided to call kylie because maybe she will know what to do.
   "hey trav, what's up?" kylie picks up, i can hear some kids show in the background. "it's just taylor, something happened at the gala yesterday and she hasn't left the bedroom or stopped crying." i say with worry.
   "okay well she has to be hungry, make something she will like and go to the door. if she doesn't want it just leave it next to her and try and talk to her." she said. i also said hi to wyatt before hanging up.
   i made taylor some pasta with butter and went to the door. i took a deep breath before knocking because i don't think i have the energy to be yelled at again.
   "tay?" i lightly knocked. "what." she said in a stern voice. "hey baby, i made you some pasta." i set it down next to her and sat in the bed. she turned around. i tucked her hair behind her ear. "wanna talk?" i asked. "not really. but i need you here." she put her arms out and i laid next to her. "trav, i don't know if i'm ready."
   "of course you're ready baby. i know it's scary but you got this. i'm so proud of you." i held her belly. "i love you trav." we fell asleep,

authors note

ahhh sorry for the short chapter. i just don't know what to write about lol. but we're getting so close to the baby and im so excited

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