superbowl surprise

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taylor swift's pov

"thanks for spending the night with us at the eras tour!" i blow a kiss to the audience as i disappear into the stage. my crew immediately gets me water as i'm struggling to breathe. it was my final night in tokyo and i couldn't be happier that it's over. not that i don't love performing but i'm so tired. i also have to get on a 13 hour plane ride in an hour.

my crew stayed back to pack up the stage and i fell asleep as soon as i got on the plane. i haven't seen travis in two weeks and i'm so excited to see him play. blake is picking me up at the airport and heading to my house in beverley hills. travis need to keep his mind on the game so he's staying at the hotel with his teammates. i was really feeling superbowl sex but his loss.

we finally landed and i'm feeling so jet-lagged. i facetimed travis when we got to my house and told him how much i missed him. i took a shower then went to bed.

blake got me up so early to go to the gym. i was so tired but i needed to go. i haven't told anyone but i've been cutting down on eating. while in tokyo i got caught up in reading the headlines, i know i shouldn't but i just couldn't stop. my crew noticed i was more out of breath than usual on the final night but i just told them i was tired. i also know nobody wants me at this damn football game today but i'm going there to support travis and nothing more.

after the gym i took a short nap and then showered. blake and i got ready and before we knew it, it was time to go. before the game i got to see travis. "i missed you so much." i hugged him tightly. he slightly grabbed my ass. "save it for after you win kelce." i whispered. he smiled and blew me a kiss. "omg taylor what was that!" blake asked excitedly. "nothing, stop it." i hid my smile. "he's so in love with you honey." she laughed. "we haven't used the L word yet." i replied. "seriously? you've been dating for what, almost 2 months?" we talked until we got to our suite.

travis kelce's pov

the game is starting soon and i'm pumped. the whole world is rooting against us but i know we can win. i hear the timer go off and we run to the field.

the first two quarters went by and were losing. we get a break for the halftime show and we make a plan. the third quarter starts and we easily get a touchdown after making our plan.

i sat out the fourth quarter but nobody got a touchdown or a field goal so the score was tied. we went into overtime and i was starting to get a little nervous. i got on the field and the timer started. mahomes had the ball and i ran as far as i could towards the endzone and caught the ball. i thought i was gonna get a touchdown but i got tackled. i got the ball super close and we were starting again. "CHIEFS WIN!" the crowd goes crazy. i think i cried.

taylor came onto the field and i hugged her so tight. "taylor i love you so much." oh no. i didn't mean to say that out loud. she looked at me for a minute. "i didn't mea-" she just kissed me. "i love you too trav." i couldn't be happier.

we got our trophy and i said my short speech. i took a super quick shower in the locker room and got changed. i met taylor at the car and we started driving to the afterparty. taylor and i danced all night and i made sure she didn't get too drunk. i didn't want her to end up like last time especially with all the cameras around. taylor met jason and kylie tonight and i think she really loved them. as we were dancing and having fun, love story came on. i immediately spun taylor around and grabbed her waist. she smiles and just lays her head on my shoulder. there are cameras and security surrounding us but i couldn't feel more comfortable.

it was getting late and taylor and i decided that it was time to go. i checked out of my hotel and we went back to her house. as soon as we walked in the door she practically ripped my shirt off. "tay, you're drunk. are you sure?" i asked before continuing. she just pulled me closer and i knew what that meant.

taylor swifts pov

i woke up with travis's arms around my bare waist. i tried to get out of bed but he just pulled me closer. "trav please, i don't feel good." i say and hold my stomach. i feel so nauseous. "whats wrong tay?" he sits up. "i don't know, my stomach just hurts really bad." i get up and put my robe on. he rubs my back. i try to lay my head on his shoulder but before i can i can feel the puke. i hold my mouth and dart to the bathroom. travis follows after me in case i need help. he comes up behind me and holds my hair as i puke into the toilet. when i was done i just collapsed onto the floor and laid there. "here, drink some water." he helps me sit up. before i can answer i'm throwing up again.

i finally stopped and made it back to my bed. i feel so bad for travis and i don't want him to feel obligated to take care of me. i told him i'd be fine for a few hours by myself so i made him go to the gym. i also needed an excuse to get him out of the house. normally throwing up in the morning after an eventful night can mean two things. one, i'm hungover. or two, gosh i don't want to say it. i'm pregnant. i didn't know what else to do so i facetimed blake. "blake please help." i say. "tay whats going on?" she replies. "go somewhere where no one can hear you please." i whisper. she does and closes the door. "so, all this morning i've been throwing up and i thought i was just hungover from last night but my period is about a week late." i say nervously. "oh shit tay.." she replies. "i'm gonna get some tests delivered to you." she says. "thanks blake i love you." i say as i hang up the phone.
   god i really hope it isn't true. we've only been together for two months this is going to look so bad. and i have a tour to finish and an album to release. i began hyperventilating and screaming into my pillow. this can't be happening. i'm not fit to be a mother. i then heard the doorbell ring and i run to the door. the delivery driver has to stay quiet about whatever they are delivering, its in their contract.
   blake got me like ten different tests. i bring the whole box with me into the bathroom just in case travis gets home early. i know how to use it because last year i had a pregnancy scare with joe. he was so angry. i think. that's partially why i'm so scared. i really love travis and i don't want this to ruin it.
   i peed on the test and just collapsed on the bathroom floor crying. i heard the timer go off and still didn't get up for another five minutes because i was so scared. eventually i knew i had to look. i took a deep breath and stood up. positive. "FUCK!" i yell. "tay what's going on?" travis comes running to the door. "oh um i didn't know you were here." i reply. tears begin to fill my eyes and i can't breathe. "taylor please tell me what's wrong." he wriggles the doorknob. "please promise you won't be mad." i manage to get a few words out. "i promise." he answers and steps away so i can open the door. i take the test in my hand and hide it behind my back. when i open the door i just look down and hand him the test. he doesn't say anything for a moment. "i'm sorry.. this is all my fault." i say and can no longer hold back the tears. "baby im not mad. this is incredible." he says and pulls me close.
    i finally look up and him and he wipes my face. "taylor i know it's so early on in this relationship but i love you so much and if what you want to do is keep this baby, i'll be here for you the whole time." he is seriously the best. "travis i love you." i smile into his chest.
   later on i called my doctor and booked an appointment at the obgyn. i'd be lying if i said im not terrified of this whole thing but i think it will be good for me. now we just have to find a way to tell our parents..

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