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uh so apparently i'm terrible at timelines and i messed the whole thing up so we're gonna pretend gracelyn was born in august (im fully aware that it doesn't match up okay!!) and the last chapter took place in september and now it's december and gracelyn is 5 months old

taylor swifts pov

   i finish up our christmas decorating by hanging a beautiful wreath with a little red bow on it on our front door. christmas is my absolute favorite holiday and i go a bit crazy with the decorations. it's travis and i's first christmas together and im so excited to share this special day with him.

   later today we are throwing a huge christmas party and all of our family and friends are coming. i'm kind of nervous to have too many people around gracie but honestly she's just like her dad and loves the attention.

   as i was admiring my decorating skills, travis came in the front door. "there's my girl!" i smile and take gracie from his arms. i gave her kisses all over her face. "did you and daddy have fun shopping?" she smiled.

   "hey i'm here too." he crossed his arms. i went on my tippy toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. he then slightly grabbed my face and his lips met mine.

   "who's ready for a bath?" i lifted gracie in the air and she giggled. "baby she has your laugh." he placed a kiss on my head before hanging up his coat. "it looks great in here." he admired the house.

   i walked out of the bedroom with gracie to show travis her little christmas outfit. "come here girly! mama did a great job!" he reached his arms out and i carefully laid her down on his chest. she was wearing the cutest red bows in her little pigtails, and a little santa dress.
   i cuddled up with travis on the couch as we waited for everyone to arrive.

   as i heard the first car pull up, i immediately ran to the door. i pride myself on being a good host and i think everyone that has been to one of my parties knows that. blake, and ryan stepped out of the car while their three little ones ran towards the door. "hey guys!" i knelt down to give them a hug at their level. they greeted me then ran inside to annoy travis.
   "tay it looks great in here!" blake looked around at all my decorations. "thank you!" i hugged her.

   the next people to get there were jason, kylie, and their kids. "auntie taylor!!" wyatt yelled and jumped up to hug me. "hey wy!" i kissed her cheek and let everyone else inside.

  soon everyone was there and gracie was loving all the attention. "can gracie play?" wyatt came one to me and pointed to gracie in my arms. "sorry wy, gracie is too little right now." wyatt looked really sad. "but, would you like to hold her?" she nodded and her face lit up. i helped her up on the couch next to me and showed her how to hold the baby. i then placed gracie in her arms.
   "you're doing so good girly!" travis came over and sat next to me. "shhh! baby is sleepy!" she shushed travis and then stroked gracie's face. i snapped some photos of the two and then took gracie back when wyatt was ready to go play. eventually everyone had their turn holding gracie and she was getting cranky. i put her to sleep and hung out with everyone for a little till the party was over.

   i said goodbye to my mom and dad as they were the last ones there. i was exhausted so i got changed into some comfy clothes and crashed on the couch. travis made some hot chocolate and sat next to me. "can you believe it?" i laid down on his chest. "believe what beautiful?" he set his drink down on rubbed circles on my back. "just everything. we have a baby. a family. i've never been happier." i looked up and smiled. "ready for number two?" he laughed. "fuck no." i slapped his arm. i love our little girl but i don't think i could do it again, atleast not now.

travis kelce's pov

  as i was rubbing her back and slowly moving my way down to her ass, her face lit up and she sat up. "it's time for the star!" she got a random spurt of energy and got off the couch to grab the kitchen stool. i made a confused face. when we decorated the tree a few days ago, she wouldn't put the star on and wouldn't tell me why. "it's a tradition in my family, you put the star on the tree on christmas eve." she smiled. she was pushing the stool towards the tree with the star in her hand. i came up behind her and grabbed her waist to lift her up. she placed the star on top on the tree and i gently set her down. "merry christmas, my beautiful girl." i leaned down to kiss her. she placed her hand on the back of my neck and i scooped her up and sat her down on the couch.

   i stroked her long blonde hair as she laid skin to skin on my chest. as i placed my hand on her bare waist she giggled. "tay you're so ticklish." i continued to tickle her. "ah! stop!" she accidentally moaned and immediately covered her mouth. "this is kinda weird but, it turns me on." she hid her face in her hands. "i think it's cute." i kissed her forehead and kept stroking her hair.

   she let out a sigh as we heard the baby start crying. we both got dressed and i started to get the baby's presents out. we went a bit overboard for a 5 month old but who cares.

   after feeding the baby, we set out all of the presents. "does she even know what presents are?" i asked. "no, but she's going to love it anyway. you know she loves all attention on her, just like you." she lightly pushed me. "hey! i do not!" i defensively said. maybe it's a bit true, but i'll never admit it. she laughed.

   taylor woke up super early. "baby? why are you up so early?" i said, half asleep. "we have to get ready!" she said, and threw a pair of christmas pajamas at me. once i opened my eyes all the way i realized were matching her and gracie. even gracie was half asleep in taylor's arms. i quickly got dressed. "merry christmas gracie girl!" she giggled and reached for me to hold her. she really is a daddy's girl.

   we brought her out to the living room and she looked so confused when we sat her on the floor next to the mound of gifts. taylor handed her a small one first and showed her how to take the wrapping off. she still didn't quite get it and stuck tried to eat it instead. we helped her open it and she got excited when she saw it was a set of pink plastic car keys.

   every time we handed her a new gift, she picked up the car keys instead. "clearly she has a favorite." i laughed. eventually we helped her open the rest of the gifts and she was a bit overwhelmed with toys.

   "okay now here's one for you." i slid over a tiny box wrapped in red paper. "trav, you didn't have to get me anything." she smiled and opened the tiny box. it was a  gold necklace with a heart locket attached. there was also three charms attached that had the initials "tgt" engraved. inside the locket was a picture at the hospital of the first time we held gracie. as she admired the necklace tears began to form in her sapphire eyes. "trav, i love it so much! how much did this cost?" i ignored her question because i knew she would be mad that i spent so much on a gift for her and just hugged her. "i love you baby." i smothered her with kisses all over.

   she then handed me a small box tied together with a large red bow. i opened the lid and saw a pair of two golden beaded bracelets with the initials "tnt". i slid the bigger of the two on my wrist and put the smaller one on taylor's. "do you like it?" she took my hand and smiled. "baby,  i love it." i grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

   the rest of the day we cuddled on the couch with gracie and watched christmas movies.

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