first appointment

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taylor swift's pov

i have a short break from the eras tour so it's time we talk about this baby. scared is an understatement. i think travis is going to be a wonderful dad though, he's so great with his nieces. we haven't told anyone yet, i didn't even answer blake about the result. this could be really bad if it gets out so we're going to stay on the down low for now.
i've known for a week now and it is still crazy. this past week though, travis has been with me the whole time. he hasn't left my side and i just love him so much. i walked in the kitchen the other night and saw him looking up baby names. it's still a lot for me to take in, but im happy we're doing it together.
"tay we're gonna be late come on." he's rushing me to get ready to leave for this appointment. "i just need to finish my hair one second." i reply. "you look beautiful, now let's go." he drags my hand to the door.
we arrive at the doctors office and they let me in through the back incase anyone spots me. i sit down in the waiting room while travis signs me in. one of my biggest concerns for this pregnancy is how much weight im going to gain. everyone knows i've always had problems with eating and weight but if i don't eat as much as im supposed to, that could be bad for the baby. travis finish's signing me in and sits down next to me. i take his hand and place it on my stomach.
"taylor?" the nurse says. travis and i follow her into a room. i sit on the bed and she asks me a few questions. "how long ago did you find out?" she asks. "about a week ago." i reply. she asks some more then we begin the ultrasound. i laid down on the bed and travis held my hand the whole time. "so it looks like you're about 4 weeks along." she says. that shocked me. i've only been having symptoms for 2 weeks. we finish up the ultrasound and i have so many questions. we got some pictures of the baby but it's not much of a baby yet. more like a blob. "so the biggest question right now is, do you think you're going to keep the baby?" she asks me. i look at travis. "whatever is best for you." he whispers to me. "uh, yes, im going to keep it." i tell her.
we arrive back home and the whole car ride i couldn't stop staring at my stomach. "i can't believe it trav, a human is going to grow in there." i smile. he places his big hands on my stomach. i place mine on top of his. "wait i have an idea." i grab my phone and snap a picture of his hands on my stomach. i sent it to my mom, dad, and my brother. my mom immediately answered. "taylor!! are you going to have a baby?" i called her. "hi mom!" i laughed. "is this a joke? are you really pregnant?" she asks with excitement. "yes mom, im 4 weeks." i say. "honey im so happy for you." she replies. we talk some more and then i hang up. "that went so well!" i give travis a short kiss.
later on he takes a photo of him kissing my stomach and sends it to his parents and his brother.
the easy part is over, now we have to hide it from the public. we've decided that we're not going to completely hide the baby when it's born, but not share it all over the internet you know what i mean.

travis kelces pov

   i haven't left the house all week because i feel like i need to be with taylor. she can't stop throwing up in the mornings so i've started getting up an early so that i can hold her back. this whole dad thing is going to be a big change but i think im ready. we told my oldest niece wyatt and she's so excited to have a cousin. taylor and i are going to take a trip to philly to see them this weekend. the girls met taylor a few times and she's so good with them, she's going to be a great mom.
   as soon as i saw that baby i knew that this was meant to happen. i think taylor saw my face light up too because she grabbed my hand and smiled so bright.
   i loaded the last bag into the car and we drove to the airport. taylor is worried about flying with the baby but it's so early on in the pregnancy that she will be okay. i haven't seen jason in a while and im so excited to see the girls.
   as soon as we pulled in the driveway jason opened the door with little wyatt standing next to him. i got out of the car and she ran right to me. "uncle travvy!" she yelled. i picked her up. "hey girly!!" i gave her a kiss on the cheek. jason then took her so i could get the door for taylor. she's not feeling too good today but she made sure to push through for wy. "taylor!" she giggled. "hey wyatt!"she knelt down and gave her a big hug. i grabbed all of our bags and we settled down on the couch.
   i greeted kylie and the two other kids, ellie and bennett. "hey wyatt you want to feel my belly?" taylor asks. "yes!" she runs right over. "remember to be gentle because the baby is so tiny." she places wyatt's tiny hand on her belly. "taylor how far along are you?" kylie asks. wyatt looks confused because she doesn't know what that means. "5 weeks tomorrow." she replies. i give her a small kiss on the cheek. "ewww!" wyatt yells. we all laugh.
   dinner is soon ready and we all sit down at the table and eat. jason tells taylor a bunch of stories from when we were younger to embarrass me. kylie showed taylor how she feeds bennett to prepare her i guess. taylor looked absolutely terrified the whole time like she was going to hurt her. after dinner, taylor and kylie went upstairs to put the girls to bed.

taylor swift's pov

   me, kylie, and the kids all went upstairs. we first put bennett to sleep and kylie told me all her techniques to get her to fall asleep. it's still crazy to me that in just 8 months im going to have real life baby. after that we put the other two to bed, wyatt made sure she told the baby goodnight and gave my belly a kiss. she seriously is the sweetest little girl and i hope im lucky enough to have one like her.
   after the girls were asleep we all sat on the couch and talked for awhile. i began to get really tired and i think travis noticed. "are you ready for bed?" he whispered to me. "yes please." i replied. "i think we're going to head up to bed." he told jason and kylie. kylie noticed how i could barely keep my eyes open. "that's pregnancy for you." she laughed.
authors note:

hey guys i hope you're enjoying the story so far! i thought the pregnancy put a little turn on things and im so excited to continue writing. give me your gender predictions and some name ideas!!

also how's everyone enjoying ttpd? my fav song so far is who's afraid of little old me and clara bow!

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