drunk in the bathroom

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travis kelce's pov

      i finish buttoning up my shirt and meet taylor in the kitchen. what she said earlier worried me, i'm afraid she thinks things are going too fast. everyday i fall more and more in love with her and i don't want to ruin that. she promised she would tell me though. "you look beautiful." i say as i wrap my arms around her. she was wearing the same dress she wore at the party the night we met. "i thought you would like it." she winks. she grabbed my hand and led me out the door to meet blake, ryan, and their security outside. as i open the door for her she mouths "later." and winks again. 

     i live in a gated community so thankfully there were no paparazzi. the bar we're going to is restricted to only high-profile individuals so there would likely be no fans there either. as we're on the way, i notice taylor fidgeting more than usual and her leg bouncing. i place my hand on her thigh and she seems to calm down a bit. "what's up?" i whisper to her. "nothing i just, nothing." she smiles and puts her hand on top of mine. i've been worried since her breakdown earlier but i know she'll tell me if something is wrong. right?

     we arrive at the bar and i help taylor out of the car. she smiles for the paparazzi and i just do whatever she does since i'm new to this whole cameras everywhere thing. we place our things down and get some drinks. taylor puts down the first one oddly fast and quickly orders another. we then dance for a bit and she seems like shes having a lot of fun and my worry fades away.  the song comes on that we had our first dance to. she is trembling a bit so i brought her back over to sit down. "what's going on tay?" i ask as i sit down next to her. she ignores me and orders another drink. i'm not one to be controlling so i don't say anything about it even though i know another one probably isn't a good idea. she finishes that one and again is very fidgety. "i have to use the bathroom." she says. 

    i order myself another drink as i wait for her to return. 20 minutes go by and i start to worry again. i feel like she's keeping something from me. i understand secrets but i just want to know if i'm doing something wrong. blake and ryan come back from the dance floor and sit with me. "hey where's taylor?" blake asks when she sees the empty glass next to me. "she went to the bathroom like 20 minutes ago, can you go check on her please?" i ask with worry in my voice. "20 minutes? why didn't you go see if she's okay?" she says with anger. "i- i don't know. i'm scared she's in there because of me, i didn't want to make things worse." i admit. blake runs to the bathroom.

taylor swift's pov

    i'm sitting in the corner of the bathroom with my flask full of vodka that i hid from travis, crying. knock knock. "taylor? please unlock the door." i hear blake's voice outside the door. my body is numb and i don't want to get up. "taylor please i just want you to tell me what's wrong." she says. i hear the worry in her voice. i decided to drag my body over to the door and unlock it. blake walks in and sees the mascara running down my face and the flask in my hand. "hun, what's going on?" she sits down next to me and i lay my head on her chest and start sobbing again.  "i can't fall in love with him blake. he doesn't know what this could turn into. i'm going to ruin his reputation. i'm not good enough for him. he deserves better. i just can't do it." i cry harder and harder with every word. "he's just too perfect and i'm a terrible person." she holds me tight. "taylor, you're drunk. you don't mean what you're saying. you need to talk to him." she strokes my hair. "wash your face off then you and travis are going to talk. don't ruin this relationship taylor, i promise you don't want this." she then walks out. i stuff the now empty flask into my purse and wash my face. i hate how i look without makeup, luckily i brought mascara and lipstick. i finished applying my classic red lip when i hear a knock on the door. 

    "taylor.." travis's voice says from the other side of the door. i slowly open the door and collapse into his arms. he closes the door behind him. "taylor please tell me what's wrong." he says as he strokes my hair. i'm crying too hard and i can't get the words out. he knows i'm drunk and calls security to come get us. they arrive in two minutes and travis covers my face when we go outside. the car ride was silent and i think i fell asleep. 

     we arrived back at travis's house and as soon as i got inside i collapsed on the couch. travis sat next sat next to me and it was silent for a while. "i'm sorry." i blurted out. "i ruined the night for everyone and you didn't deserve that." i say with my head buried in a pillow. "you didn't do anything wrong, beautiful.  i'm not mad, i don't think i could ever be mad at you. you just need some sleep." he led me to the bedroom and i got changed into some pjs and fell right asleep.

     the next morning i woke up with the most excruciating headache ever. travis was in the kitchen making breakfast, I really don't want to talk to him. i fucked up and i need to fix it but i'm scared. 

    "trav?" i called from the doorway of the kitchen. he didn't hear me. "i'm sorry." i say and bury my face in my hands. "tay, you didn't do anything wrong." he got up from his seat and came closer to me. "you just promised you would tell me if something is wrong, i don't want to make you uncomfortable in any way." he hugged me tightly. i just cried into his arms. he's used to it, i'm a crier if you haven't noticed. we just stood there for a few moments in silence. he finally let go and wiped my tears from my cheeks. we watched a movie on the couch for a bit until i had to go. i have to get back to new york to record my new album.  me and travis talked for a while and i agreed to tell him when something is going on instead of drinking my problems away. i honestly don't even know what was wrong. i think i'm just getting flashbacks from joe, our relationship started out so perfect till all he wanted to do was hide. i just don't want that to happen to travis and i. i think i'm falling in love with him. is it too soon?

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